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Image Comments posted by oxidized_black



    jake looking for a tire to pee on, the dog knew i was snapping pictures and he started over, and i told him, "don't even think about it". the look of guilt is all over him   LOL

  1. ya know, i had dirt bikes, missed the trike era, then got into quads, which i think is the cat's as*. i think i have driven chris's trike 3 or 4 times, i liked the smooth ride, good maneuvuring, and plain all out fun. you sure have to ride it differently than a quad and you will find that out in a hurry. LOL you are constantly looking for that sweet spot in the mud or bush where you know a quad would get stuck, but the trike slides over no problem. it's a different game with 3 tires ...



    i really liked this bike when i got it except for one thing, rims. i bought the black rims a year later . black looked deffinately better than the silver. not to worry, the silver rims went on a grizzly silver se and looked awesome.

  2. where i live, i hop on the bike and go. all trails right at my back door. all you can hear in the summer months are quads and dirt bikes til the wee hours. summertime here it stays light, i mean light, to 11 at the peak, and you can still see at well at 2am. then light again at 430-500am. winters suck though, dark at 3pm LOL

  3. i pressure washed all the flaked decals off, then got the glue off with 'goo gone'. plastic is all there but just faded and small scratches, nothing a can of pledge funiture polish can't cure .... try pledge on your plastics, better than armor all or spray 9 ...

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