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Posts posted by Newber

  1. Well I done everything at home I could shy of splitting the cases. Didn't have the resources to do the case split. Found a guy here that would open them up for me and recheck things. Just dropped it off this week and haven't heard the outcome yet. He's thinking it's a fork that was put in wrong. I will let you know soon

  2. Man that sound like it's gonna be a headache and a half. And unfortunately no while they were rebuilding the engine I had the frame over being powdercoated and all the plastics painted. And between all that my job offered me a position I couldn't turn down. So honestly I got the bike and engine separately and put the engine on once we got moved. They said they bench tested it ran it through the gears. Only problem is there back in Texas and we're in south carolina now. I'll try some of the disassemble and see if it changes anything 

  3. And yes. So I can go in first and drive it. I have to jump the solenoid to crank it though while holding the clutch in. So im.driving in 1st gear. Shift to 2nd and the quad just stops completely engine dies. So without moving anything and restart the quad let go of the clutch and now your in reverse. Twice I've tried it and it wouldn't move period just stall the engine

  4. We did take the clutch and basket bolts everything out of our other 300 and put them in but still the same problem. As soon as you tighten the pressure plate completely it's like the engine just locks together. I didn't get to work with it last night but I will today. Maybe I can see something with what I've been told to look at

  5. So if we loosen the pressure plate the drum will actually turn but as soon as you tighten the pressure plate the drum is rock solid. Can't push the quad unless you put the side cover on and squeeze the clutch. And it's still not easy then. And im not sure if the gears were off shaft or not. It was at a reputable repair place when the rebuild was done. I know we're all human and make oops im just hoping that it's a small one

  6. With wheels off the ground it won't roll easy at all. If the clutch and basket are in the engine it will only shift to first and when you shift to 2nd it makes the click and you can see the shifter lever try and move but it goes nowhere. We tried this and maybe someone can explain it. So we rechecked the clutch and for the heck of it tried shifting with it out. Clutch and basket in hand it shifted through all 5 gears. So we took the clutch and basket feom.our other 300ex that runs perfectly fine as soon as we tightened it up the motor gets super tight again and you can't shift it. If you just loosen the clutch pressure plate it's easier to rotate wheels but still not easy to shift and find gear past 2nd

  7. Good evening. So I'm in some serious need of help. I have a 99 honda trx300ex sportrax. It was just completely rebuilt top and bottom end. Here's my problem though I can't start my quad without jumping solenoid. As it's trying to start its already moving. I thought ok clutch is out of adjustment since it's brand new. Adjust clutch and same thing happens. Also notice I can't find neutral no matter what I do. Went ahead and jumped solenoid got quad running and take off. Shift to 2nd gear and it comes to a dead stop stalls the engine out and dragging the rear tires. Go to start it back up and notice this time it's trying to roll backwards. Get it cranked and sure enough now im in reverse. Has anyone got any ideas on this

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