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Posts posted by jford

  1. Went to daily searches on ebay, and finally found one (almost didn't believe it!).  I'm back checking fences, but she still has a driveline "clunking" in higher gears under load.  I'd hoped it was the axle slipping in the old stripped hub, but will wait and see what gives out next.


  2. I appreciate the response.  I've been checking ebay, so far without results (discontinued item).  There is one offering out there for the complete axle, rear end assembly, but.,  Spent time on amazon, going through the possibilities, but most of the "might fit" offerings don't have all of the measurements needed to pull the trigger.  Heck, I even discovered that there are listings out there for atv junk yards, and have a few requests out to those, but again, thus far, no cigar. I'm thinking I might try to drill through and add a shear pin type arrangement, or worst case, just weld the thing onto the axle, but since it's on the brake fitting side, figure as soon as I did that,.. I mean, it is getting on in years, but it's a lot more fuel-efficient than the cvt atvs, and quieter as well.

    I'll keep looking, and hoping.  Again, thanks for the response

  3. I, too, am looking for this elusive part.  The site listed above.. no longer exists.

    I'm trying to find something that will work, a 25mm shaft with 24 teeth, but thus far, no luck. Any kind of cross-over, or something that comes close would be great..  I really like the old yfm225, used it out on the ranch to check fences. I hate to think that it's scrap for just a hub..  Any hints or help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!  John

    Austin, TX

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