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Posts posted by ScottCarl

  1. No, really. It's is the only thing left. 🤣😂🤣 New wiring harness, new CDI unit, new coil, new plug.

    15 hours ago, pikachu78 said:

    Oh i forgot you typed that you ordered a new wiring harness. So that should means the wires should be in new condition so no corrosion / maybe one of them is loose but probably not // tomorrow i will hear the results from my dad about the cr250 honda dirtbike strange spark plug behavior and maybe it will be some sort of clue// it is stator/cdi box/ wiring harness sort of problem too


    To be honest, it's a used item but intact. The one we replaced had splices on splices. It was a mess when we first got it 

  2. So, on my 84 TRX200, I've replaced everything except the stator and regulator. New coil, cdi unit, (spark pickup tests good) new sparkplug. No spark. Ohm tested stator on the bench. Book said 0.1 - 1 ohm. I have 3 - 4 ohms. Bad? 

    Wiring had been boogered up when we got it. (Key switch bypass) Not sure if related but wiring diagram shows a blue and yellow wire from CDI to the spark pick-up (pulse generator) Not sure what was hooked up there, but CDI unit plug didn't look like a blue and yellow wire was EVER plugged in there. It has one now ;)

    I had it running for a few seconds, and then it quit. Been searching for spark ever since. 

    Help. TIA, Scott! 




  3. They are badly cracked, but still in one piece. Someone tried plastic stitching/welding them but that failed. After working on it some more, thinking I might make some panels to pop rivet to the plastic like decorative panels. Easier that trying to remake everything and a lot of the plastic is still integrally sound as far as mounting to the frame. Working on getting it running first. Off to pick up battery and new ignition coil tomorrow. Sorting out wiring harness right now 😉👍

  4. Finally got some time to drag it up out of the weekds and do a little work on it. What I thought was a stuck-in-gear issue turned out to be a stuck-in-brake issue LOL. Just needs some TLC. Thinking of replacing fenders and such with some custom aluminum diamond plate panels. Salvaged a bunch from a pickup tool box I acquired. 




  5. Hello!

    New here. Acquired an '84 Honda TRX200 a few years ago. Grandkids started tearing it apart and then lost interest. interest has been renewed, so we're putting it back together. Mainly needs tires/tubes(?) and a battery.

    We moved it to make space and discovered it was stuck in gear. Not sure which LOL. Searching for a manual so I can go through it and familiarize myself with the mechanics and wiring. The wiring is a MESS! Seems previous owner lost the key and was trying to delete the switch.

    I've owned several Honda motorcycles over the years, but this is first ATV. just looking through the wiring mess, appears not much has changed. Last Honda was a 750. I'm also a mechanic so really just a walk in the park to get this one going... I hope! LOL The engine turns easy and sound to have compression when the starter rod is pulled. Wish me luck ;)

    Looking forward to meeting you all and posting progress pics. Sorry, none currently


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