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Image Comments posted by oxidized_black

  1. the dump buckets on these 797's are replaced regularly because they wear out from the sand.

    on the highway when the new buckets are delivered on flatbed semi's, they take up two lanes of highway ...

  2. Fort McMurray is the center of just one of the 3 large oil sands deposits in Alberta. The others are centered at Peace River and Cold Lake. In total these deposits cover about 140,800 square kilometers or 54,363 square miles in northern Alberta. This is an area larger than the state of Florida. Currently the bulk of the development is in the Fort McMurray area.

  3. Dragline formerly used for surface mining oil sands. Syncrude had 4 in operation. Last one retiring at the end of 2005. These draglines would mine the oil sands and deposit them in what they call windrows. A bucketwheel, shown next, would then scoop up the windrows, passing the material by conveyor to crushers. It would then be slurried and sent to the refinery by pipeline for processing. Each used the energy equivilant per day of 30,000 homes to operate. Two of these bad boys have been disassembled and sent to Australia for coal mining operations there.

  4. nice picture, anywhere close to the water like that is so relaxing, and riding to get there is a big bonus !!  the water there reminds me of the clearwater river where i am and ride frequently. access is still there, but the old railbed that ran along it was torn up and making way for a 4 lane highway... way to go regional municipality of wood buffalo for such a brilliant plan to put a road.

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