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Posts posted by TrapperDoug

  1. Hi Al,

    I've got an '09 sportsman/500 efi with a plow and I was getting the same "check engine" warning that you have. Check your oil level and change if necessary, as per your hour meter. When you're plowing, it's hard work for short bursts and then nothing then short bursts again. Your oil is hot and not cooling properly as you're not travelling any distances (like trail riding) to cool it off. If you're down even a half pint, that makes the motor work even harder, hence the warning light. Either slow down on the throttle or take more frequent rests and the light will not activate. When you put it in the garage, the motor had a cooling off/rest period and the light went out.This worked for me.

    Doug, www.northland-paradise.com, Temagami

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