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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2022 in Posts

  1. I have a 2004 Grizzly YFM 660 F that I use to plow the driveway and I use it to do yard work. For me it's a work horse. The cooling fan quit working last year. I didn't have time to mess with it so I sent it to a Yamaha dealer and this is where it all went south. The OEM fan was over $400 and the Moose fan was around $250 plus labor and sales tax. So I chose to have the Moose fan installed. That's where the trouble began. The first snow fall I worked this old girl not knowing that the Moose cooling fan draws more power than the OEM fan and its tripping the cooling fan automatic reset fuse. Yes, I have done my homework and I have diagnosed the circuit. The only problem I have is...I can't find the fuse. I have read that it's on the left side of the airbox. I have looked at the electrical 1 diagram and it's no help. My question is do I need to remove the airbox or do I need to remove the rear plastics? I have been hunting for a repair manual but I haven't found one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    1 point
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