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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2022 in Posts

  1. Wanted to post a follow up to this since we finally found the culprit and got the old beast running. It turns out everything was good with the magneto, so we put it all back together and went through all the wiring and switches again just to make sure and everything checked good per the wiring diagrams and the manual. Still no spark! Tried several different spark plugs, nothing. The guy we got it from had replaced the ignition coil with an aftermarket "racing" coil and the resistances checked "close enough for government work", but luckily the original coil was in one of the misc. parts boxes that we got with it. The spark plug connector on it was broken but we were able to take the one off the "new" coil and use it on the original one, and after cleaning off all the rust and crud on the mounting contacts, it tested perfectly within specs so we bolted it on and hooked it up and nice big fat sparks! So I guess the moral of the story is never throw anything away!
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