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Posts posted by wylde1

  1. Holy crap!!!!! I think this guy just might be related to God. He landed a plane with no engines on the river in a way that most passengers didn't even get their feet wet and I have a hard time landing my quad on dirt without taking a total digger. If you didn't see or hear about this you gotta check it out.

  2. Welcome to the site! Glad your here I am thinking of getting my wife a TB 250 because she wants and automatic. Glad to hear you like yours.

    Glad to hear you want to get your wife one. they are good machines and easy to ride. If you are planning on a used one the only thing you really need to check is to make sure the compression is good, everything else is pretty much visual.

  3. A little bit of everything. There are rocky trails, coal dirt hill climbs, there is mud, I have a picture of me stuck in some of that in my pics. I high centered the frame and swingarm. A jeep that was passing through had to pull me out, and then he went around the hole I was in. The jeep was sitting on 33's and he wouldn't try it, go figure. If you go on youtube and search Trevorton you can get some good video.

  4. I was never at Paragon, but the understanding I have is that they are closed. I believe it was a problem with the lease that shut them down. I did and still do take the trucks out mud and trail riding. I live in the Frackville, St Clair, Shamokin, area and there are places to go. Reading Anthracite has passes you can buy for $100 for the year and ride on any of their ground they are not currently mining.

  5. I have been involved in some sort of offroading for the past 20+ years. I used to build up trucks and take them out to play. I have been more on the quad side for about 8 years now. Trucks got too expensive. Got the quad I have now for less than the last set of tires and wheels I got for a truck, and they are a lot more fun.

  6. They are a little on the heavy side, but I do mostly trail riding and jumping, so I need something pretty beefy. I had the top end redone and bored so the power is not too bad. It could be faster, but it is plenty for what I do.

  7. Bumpercarkid I ride a Trailblazer 250. I am still working on getting all my information posted. I like the TB. Its the second one I have and Ive had it for 4 years. They aren' hard to take care of and you can beat the heck out of them. The first one I wrecked in a rollover, it took more of a beaten than I did.

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