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Posts posted by Abijah

  1. Nice,,,,,Looks like you guys are down at BoxCar.....Just past HorseFalls..I am pretty sure that is the Coos Bay Bridge....:wink:

    You guys gonna be there(Winchester Bay) for Dunefest??? We are involved with it again this yr...Gonna be a BLAST!!!!!!!

    yeah horsefalls... when is dune fest?

  2. Well there was this one time I went camping at this place called Horse Falls in Bend OR right on the coast line. It was awesome, miles of giant dunes... We had a Arctic Cat 650 V2 it was about 675lb….. I asked if I could take it out on my own while my hubby went to get more food:) he said no jumping... so I wouldn’t get hurt…. I agreed and headed off on my own… about an hour passed and I stated back to camp… I was riding some great s turns kinda sharp but not to bad and came around a corner and a root grabbed my wheel and in a flash I was under the quad face down in the sand….. I panicked, I was so trapped it took near 30 minutes to dig out from under the bike…. I got out and tried to push the quad, yeah right! I dug a giant hole and push the quad in the hole I got on and goosed it till all 4 wheels were back on the ground… I got back to camp an hour and a half after I flipped. I ended up with a really bad sprained ankle, some black and blue spots and covered with gas and sand… I still rode the rest of the week…

  3. It isn't really my oops, but a friends oops involving my bike...

    Me and a friend loaded both our bikes on my trailer and went riding... We rode then headed back to his house to drop him off... He unloaded his bike and i took off but what I didnt know is that he undid my ratchet strap off the back of my bike and didnt put it back... Needless to say i got about a mile down the road and i looked back in my rear view mirror and seen my bike tumbling down the road at about 45 mph... I loaded it back up and headed home... I had to replace a bent stearing stem, front tire from rubbing on the trailer tire, and fix some scratches in one wheel and the plastic...



    WOW no way!!!! what a mess... never really seen that befor...!

  4. my best oops????

    I was changing the oil on my quad and was just putting that last little bolt in under the bike and hared a tink like sound I look over every thing and it looked ok. about 10 hours of riding time later on my new quad I was changing the oil again:) I took off that little bolt and and saw that the tinking sound was me striping the the metal right out of the oil pan . I did not have a torch wrench at the time but after drilling a bigger hole and finding a new bolt that was the first thing I went to get....


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