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Posts posted by mymint87

  1. Wow that sure aged well with fear mongering morally righteous ombc dude. Now their is proof big pharma suppressed cure and so far with a partial release of info from the fax manu. That the experimental jab changes dna in the liver. I never believed it to begin with. Cause of death was falsified and induced comas and ventilators were a prescribed death sentence when infected with the CHINA virus

    • Like 2
  2. thank you for staying on the subject!


    you obviously ignored post #8 and continue to bump what may be an insult to 3 wheeler enthusiasts participating here......

    while celebrating a thread by staying on subject...you overlook your error in misplacing it in the wrong forum

    I will not be force fed something that isn't....comprende?

    while the build has skillz to admire...the finished product is pretty much limited in applications

    let me know when your renting it.........I need to dig some trenches for my new septic system

  3. You trikers certainly are a different breed aren't you? So much attitude, and abrasive sandpaper like love between you all.



    This is all you have to remember.....put 2 or more trikers together......and IT"S BROMAGEDDEON

  4. who you kidding? your no OUTLAW! your just some flunkie moderator of a lame 3 wheeler message board.


    Are you saying Im a sell-out.....NEVA!!!!:aargh:

    Im glad you took a moment out of your time from fabrication snorkels for your local alt125riders to respond:biggrin:

    you may take my quote for reset on your webpage...you know,"the 1 god, 1 couuntry, 1 front wheel" thingy

    but 1 thing quads have in common with trikes is the rear end...not the front

    out here in the sand we call em BIGFOOTS....take a 500...put a dual front tire from a tomahawk style bike...and that give you the ultimate dune Bike



  5. so the "god of trikes" is really a Snad Flea who runs around with a missing nudflap?

    ...and all this time I thought he hung around here...TPC Trikes

    The God of Trikes is The minister of Muttness, manipulating a muttacular machine which never sees mud.....

    in addition, he pimps a turbo charged pickleson with a penisaurus seat, prepared to pummel people who ride POS's

    It's time for you to tear down the alter you have made in your livingroom, you know the one with the pic of an ALT125 as the centerpiece

    and replace it with my mintness...a pristene 200x with all rubber intact (especially the shock mudflap)....

    I'd like to note that all my trikes have slow leaks in their front tires (which make s em VERY RARE)

  6. well...thats no MUTT....it's a totally different animal, give me a minute and I'll think of a name....

    btw...very trick trike.........

    still cant figure how you found my hideout spot.....you musta googled, "Where does the god of trikes hang out":biggrin:

  7. yes, Honda was on the verge of producting a 1987 500R ATC before the cessation on 3 wheeler preduction became apparent

    Honda had produced a prototype.........with Marty Hart as the test rider, he was our link to this secret weapon Honda had on the table and the info he disclosed was interesting, and makes perfect sense, but the Trikers of today refuse to let it absorb into their thick craniums

    here is the MAJOR PROBLEM

    many Trikers go to great lengths to cram a 500cc engine in a 85/86 250R and the run around the planet claiming that it is exactly like the 500R that honda would've produced....

    they are sorry misguided foos

    Marty Hart declared that the Honda 500R ATC for 1987 was nothing like the 250R, everything was different, the gas tank was farther up, bigger frame, etc etc

    the loser peeps who keep claiming that their 500 is the same as Honda's 1987 500R ATC is akin to a flunkie who crams a XL350 motor in a 1984 200x chassis and calls it exactly like a 1985 350X

    follow me?

    spred the word,

    The Minister of Mint

  8. Im still here, just lost a good friend and it threw me for a loop.............RIP rex,

    now Im back in the swing, and I see this de in debate is replaced with master on this tiopic....so I'll start another one...........

  9. WTF :laugh:

    Been Twistin at Mother G this summer???

    :confused:oh ya..everyday:confused:........it only hits about 120 degrees in the shaderight now.............perfect dying conditions

    if i went out there this summer, my twisting would look exactly like a piece a lard getting tossed on a hot skillet

  10. just noticed your sub forum title:wink:

    ATC 3-wheeler Forum

    ATC was a trademark by Honda, when I see "ATC" I think only of honda

    when you say ATC it is ONLY in reference to a factory produced honda

    no conversion, aftermarket, yamaha, kawasaki, manco, tiger, or pickleson can't and should not be refered to as AN ATC

    MEMO to mywifeknowseverythin

    we dont say YAMAHA ATC........we say YAMAHA TRI-Z

    we dont say KAWASAKI ATC....we say TECATE

    feel free to adjust thine brain reception to focus on thyne orbit:biggrin:

    hopefully adjustments can be made so I can retain my only 2 brain cells i have left:aargh:

    Thank You


    The Minister of Mint

  11. Dudically, Brotastic, Twisthead ..signing up...............show me the 3 wheelers

    Totally Dank Site................me?...............just drooling with the street urchins in SoCal.....

    mowzee on over to the ATC sub forum, gonna sqat until YALL puke

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