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Posts posted by PolarisRich

  1. I hear ya Bio, I live about 100' from the river in our town and I was watching it like crazy all weekend.

    We got lucky, we only lost a few carpets and a bunch of crap that was in the crawl space in cardboard boxes. All in all it was more work than anything. Now its all about dehumidification of the house and fan's moving air to dry the carpets that we want to keep.

  2. Thanks Bio and Bimmer. That was one hell of a good coffee.

    Something strange happened to me today. I was conatacted this morning by The Discovery Channel and notified that someone has nominated me to be on a show called "Canadas Greatest Know-It-All".

    I'm in the process of filling out the questionnaire right now. What the hell, I'll give try. Whats the worst that can happen? They say no!

  3. Did someone say coffee?

    What a rough morning!

    My first son(11) came home early from school with a cold so he was up coughing all night and my other son(9) woke up last night puking his brains out with the flu. Spent most of the night cleanning the carpets in his bedroom and the wall in the bathroom. So once again, did someone say coffee?

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