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Posts posted by Fastrider

  1. Diesels are the only way to go here in Australia. I used to drive a Nissan Patrol which is one of the more popular models here. If you are in the outback and gas stations are 650+ KM (400 Miles) apart and there is a chance they only carry diesel, you want to be running on it.

    I can see why you call these trucks, they are probably great for carrying or pulling seriously big loads but dont look like the ideal off raod machines. Ground clearence looks to be an issue with those long wheel bases. For that I am thinking, Jeep, or Humber? Would they be the top brands in the US for that purpose.

  2. I had a big oops working in the garage a few years ago. Its not ATV related but I needed to cut the end off an extension cord so that I could wire it up to a light. I grabbed the pliers and then checked to make sure the cord was plugged in and turned on (stupid) and proceeded to cut it.

    After the loud bang I looked down to find the pliers missing a chunk of metal where the the wire had sparked. Luckily the handles were insulated!

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