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Everything posted by JustRandy

  1. Nope, I like being wrong. I get to learn something. But I can't be wrong unless you come off those figures.
  2. The game isn't over until you supply the correct figures or concede my figures were correct. So what % of kiwis are needle junkies?
  3. Checkmate is the word you're looking for. Now maybe if you get another half dozen boosters you can get your cases up to 500 per day. The trouble is you don't have enough needle tracks in your arm like real junkies.
  4. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations My bad.... it's 82%.
  5. One consequence no one has considered from all this is that lots of people will never get vaccinated for ANYTHING ever again, so we can expect a resurgence in other diseases we thought were gone. All the fear-mongering and force has turbocharged the anti-vax movement. I just looked it up last night. 80% of kiwis have their shots (75% double and 5% single). What did I miss?
  6. Good thing 80% of you are vaccinated LOL Maybe with a half dozen more boosters you can achieve 500 cases per day.
  7. It turns into a pissing match because you're stubborn and "facts make no difference". As I said, you are what you complain about.
  8. I think Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries. Are they up to 2 shots and 2 boosters now? It seems obvious to me the vaccine makes no difference... if anything it seems to make it worse.
  9. I think it depends on the distance. At close range the 410 would blow a big hole in a person, but far enough away the balls will probably bounce off. And I've had a lot of varmints walk away after being hit with a 22, but a 22 is just as deadly at close range as far. A guy on youtube made a video showing the 22 is deadly as far away as one could hit a 4x8 sheet of plywood. I did some comparisons with 410 and 22 of various speeds and hollow vs round and was surprised just what mess a little 410 will make. A whole magazine of 22 will make a bunch of holes in water bottles but one shot with a 410 will blow the bottle into bits all over the lawn. I couldn't see any difference in hollow vs round... velocity is what makes the difference. But you're right, I don't want to be hit with either of them. Hollow vs round nose doesn't seem to matter... it's more about the velocity.
  10. To a lesser extent because you have more robust social programs. What context do you need? The CDC looked at Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs - the gold standard) from 1946 to 2018 and found no reduction on transmission of influenza virus with the use of masks. Influenza is exactly the same size as coronavirus. Same with the WHO. Why can't you admit masks make no difference? Masks won't even stop fiberglass I can see floating in the air unless I use one hand to hold the mask against my face (assuming I'm clean shaven because whiskers let particles around the mask). The filtration of the mask is moot if air leaks around the mask. Plus makes make people touch their face, which is what Fauci pointed out, He said he lied to preserve PPE for health workers but that was a lie. He knows masks make no difference. Would you tell someone a cardboard helmet is better than nothing? No, they will crack their head open. It's better to have nothing because at least they won't take extra risks thinking they have protection. No my point is to what extent can safety be legislated? How does the gov know your guns are locked up? How does the gov know your drain cleaner is out of the reach of kids? If the gov does surprise inspections of peoples' homes, the kids will still die of something else the irresponsible parents didn't do because the problem is the parents are not responsible. So the whole thing is a big waste of money and time and an intrusion on people in their homes. If they know the occupants are not home then yeah. A guy told me if I ever break into homes to never take the guns because then the ATF would be looking for me. It's not worth it. I know a 22 can be deadly because I've killed a lot of things with one (with good aim), but I can't see someone taking a 22 to do a mass shooting. One shot from a .410 with #4 shot will do more damage than an entire magazine of 22.
  11. They can't have a semi-auto 22 rifle for varmint hunting according to what other Kiwis told me. Single shot is ok. What possible purpose can that serve? Mass shootings can't happen with a 22... it would just make people mad. People banning things have no idea what they're banning. Licensing is the first step to confiscation. Get a tyrant in power and they will know where to look. And that restriction serves no benefit, especially the 22. My atv battery died leaving me stranded on top of a mountain and I had to walk 2 hours through bear territory back to camp without a firearm because I can't carry a pistol and won't carry a long gun on an atv. Honestly, I'm more scared of the rangers than the bears because I feel like I could reason more with the bears. Oh good we agree. I'm happy we have some common ground. I'll take your word for it and I can see that, but maybe you haven't considered that the bad guys knowing the guns are there are stopped without having to actually use the guns. I'd rather people stay away because they're scared than feel confident in breaking in and making me shoot them. And there are a lot of dangers inside the home: chemicals under the sink, pills in the medicine cabinet. Where would legislating safety end? Irresponsible people will be irresponsible, whether with guns, pills, whatever. That's not because of the guns and I think you know that because it's the economic system causing desperation that is causing the lashing out. Kennesaw GA has lots of guns and no mass shootings. Kennesaw is noted for its unique firearms legislation, passed in response to a handgun ban in Morton Grove, Illinois. In 1982 the city passed an ordinance [Sec 34-21]:[25] Family Circle rated Kennesaw as one of the top 10 places to raise a family https://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-ten-towns-in-which-to-raise-a-family/ Therefore the existence of guns is not the problem. And neither will banning them cure the problem. We already established that they are experimental. Supreme Court: In consideration of these interests, DTR seeks to inform the Court that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine mandated by the OSHA ETS and described as being the one approved by the FDA, i.e., Comirnaty, is not currently available to anyone in the United States. The United States finally and reluctantly conceded this in a lawsuit DTR brought in Florida. There is no supply of Comirnaty. The only vaccines in production and available are the vaccines approved under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”). DTR files this brief to explain why the OSHA COVID-19 vaccine mandate before the Court is an illegal federal mandate to compel Americans to take an experimental vaccine. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21A244/206781/20211229144437004_No%2021A244%20and%2021A247%20National%20Federation%20of%20Independent%20Business%20v%20Department%20of%20Labor%20Amicus%20Motion%20with%20Brief.pdf Furthermore, they are experimental because there simply hasn't been enough time to say otherwise. Vaccines require 8-10 years before they can be labeled anything other than experimental. They are more carcinogenic than tobacco, Roundup, and asbestos because those substances take decades to manifest cancer while the vaccine is capable in mere months. https://www.authorea.com/users/455597/articles/552937-innate-immune-suppression-by-sars-cov-2-mrna-vaccinations-the-role-of-g-quadruplexes-exosomes-and-micrornas Not according to the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and common sense. CDC says: In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25). Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article WHO says: A large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2 (76). A recent systematic review found nine trials (of which eight were cluster-randomized controlled trials in which clusters of people, versus individuals, were randomized) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness. Two trials were with healthcare workers and seven in the community. The review concluded that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness (ILI) (RR 0.99, 95%CI 0.82 to 1.18) or laboratory confirmed illness (LCI) (RR 0.91, 95%CI 0.66-1.26) (44) https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks Fauci said: "There's no reason to be walking around wearing a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think. And often there are unintended consequences: people keep fiddling with the masks and touching their face." Watch him say it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/prujdWuCxa8/ But see, facts don't matter to you. Only religion. Really? It looks like vaccines are making it worse.
  12. Irrationality and lack of critical thinking skills is the problem. People have been selected for obedience in lieu of thinking for 1000s of years. Thinking for yourself resulted in being burned at the stake. Nothing I can do other than point it out. What do you think this is? Did you watch the Alan Watts video? Obviously not. Having no rules in schools, but lots of rules for adults is a conflicting belief. The last sentence is an opinion rather than a definition.
  13. Maybe freedom from worry that I could afford medical care introduces the worry that I could find medical care. I know Bernie's answer to that was free college to have more doctors but then the problem is how many people are really smart enough to be doctors. So freedom from worry of access introduces worries about quality. I've already encountered many nurses who can't or won't do basic grammar.... and I'm not sure which is worse: the can't or won't. There is no such thing as freedom in the abstract. Freedom from one thing causes bondage to another. Indoor pets don't have to worry about the elements but also can't freely move about. Outdoor pets have freedom to roam but have to worry about security. You think I should be disarmed and be reliant upon the government for security but the government is helpless to provide it. How many people did that church shooter in NZ kill before the cops got there? So the answer is to take the guns? But criminals don't obey the rules. So not only are freedoms lost but security is not even assured. You think the gov should have the power to order everyone to wear masks and get vaccines but those measures don't work and not everyone obeys, so once again the gov is helpless to assure my safety. The pursuit of safety is futile; all you can accomplish is losing your freedoms. Kennesaw, GA has a law on the books stating every head of household must be armed. They have essentially no crime and only one murder in 10 years. Family Circle magazine said Kennesaw is one of the top 10 places to raise a family. On the other hand, Chicago banned guns and is the worst place on the planet for crime. Why do you think New Zealand schools have no rules? The kids are free to do what they want but the adults are not? What kind of cognitive dissonance is that? I don't go armed anywhere. I'm more scared of the cops than I am the criminals. There are too many regulations about where and how to carry that I just don't bother. I used to work in the inner city in the hood until late at night renovating houses and never had a problem. I actually made friends with some of the crack dealers, so I'm not really worried about assaults on my person. It's more the issue that every house in my neighborhood is filled with guns so breakins never happen. The methheads would have to be suicidal to try to steal from anyone around here. When I used to live in the city my house was robbed twice. I can step out the door right now and empty a semi-auto, but if I tried that in a city I'd be arrested. The cops (communists on patrol) are the real terrorists. They lay in wait to shake people down over trivialities. They erect roadblocks to ensnare peaceful people going about their business over stupid stuff, like forgetting to bring a drivers license. But when someone dumps their trash on my property and I find a pizza box with name and number, they do nothing. When my house is broken into they do nothing. So forgive me if I pass on your totalitarian utopia. Government's place is to regulate business to protect the people, not regulate the people to benefit business. What about freedom from being injected with carcinogens because my neighbor is too stupid to do basic research? The average IQ in the US is under 100, which is dumb as a rock. I am just beside myself is disbelief that so many lined up to take an experimental jab based on technology previously reserved as a last-ditch effort to save cancer and aids patients and by an industry with such an atrocious track record concerning safety as big pharma which routinely had class action lawsuits following the release of each new drug being plastered on tv night after night for decades and at the recommendation of an establishment described as the 3rd leading cause of death in medical journals.... all to protect against a disease with near-certain survival rate. It's the absolute pinnacle of stupidity. Nothing could be dumber. And the masks are a false sense of security. It's as if you're advising people to wear cardboard helmets while stunt-riding. So they take extra risks thinking they're protected then crack their head open. It's either dumb or evil... take your pick. And what's even more concerning is that facts don't matter to you (Mech even explicit stated facts don't matter). I've told you these things over and over and over and you still continue on in your religion. This interaction has taught me to not want democracy because too many are too proud of being immune to facts. I don't want more people voting.... I want less. Show your ID, stand out in the rain, no mail-in voting... that way only those willing to crawl through a sewer of broken glass will vote. Your dogmatic efforts to ignore the facts only serve to push me farther to the right. The stubbornness of the left has transformed a progressive into a conservative. Y'all are the GOP's MVPs. They should put you on the payroll. All you have to do is stick your fingers in your ears and chant "nah nah nah" and people will flock to the right. It's an easy gig. You will learn something you can learn no other way after the midterms. Gerrymandering isn't going to save the dems. https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7172/What-will-be-the-balance-of-power-in-Congress-after-the-2022-election And if you thin the blundering buffoon Trump was bad, wait until someone competent like DeSantis gets in power.
  14. Give it time lol I'm sure there is some reason the billionaires want to be there, but I'm not sure my curiosity would warrant all the effort. What is it you think I should see?
  15. I'm not sure everything is how we perceive it to be because I make too many mistakes for that to be true We have full freedom here too because our government can't go against our constitution. The problem here is the unaccountable private tyrannies otherwise known as private property acting as an arm of the government to skirt the constitution. That's the power of fascism. Back in 2020, government places were the ONLY places that didn't require masks (post office, voting, etc). Walmart et al did but eventually relented because not all our residents are neutered. Having a population that won't stand for that nonsense has its advantages. After our regime change in 2021 US gov places required masks but once again the population to the rescue because they simply don't obey and by now everyone is seeing the futility of fighting a common cold so management is not being very insistent. Mostly it's medical places that require masks and vaccinations as most others decided making money is more important than being tyrannical. Facebook for instance lost 1 million users and $200 billion in value for their love of tyranny. So you see how important it is to have a population of rebels that simply won't bend over. Kiwis on the other hand seem to be begging for someone to tell them what to do. Maybe that's ok for now but where will it end? And the irony is:
  16. That syrup is horrible. Hopefully you're not attempting to choke that down. I really can't recommend any US whiskey... whisky is from Scotland. We hate it too. I haven't met anyone anywhere who wants war with anyone other than our own government. We don't have a choice... they give us 2 candidates to choose from and we have to pick the one we hate the least... and both always want war. The corporations are running things and they want war because money. Plus it distracts from the colossal mess the puppet in chief has made of things in futile hope of salvaging the midterms. In China they say they can change the policies but not the party; in America we can change the party but not the policies. That's about the most succinct way of putting it. Yeah you dutifully handed in your guns too after that church shooting. Willing volunteering is even more horrifying than being forced. At least in the US there are enough dissenters to fight the narrative, but NZ is hopeless. Like I said before, if everyone already complied, then your rights aren't threatened since you don't have any to lose. You spelled "gotten neutered" wrong. I don't get where you're going with that.
  17. Evidently democrats and Kiwis. Both are marching that direction. That looks like the plan. You miss him? Because you don't have any rights to threaten lol I guess freedom is another word for nothing left to lose. https://youtu.be/CQ-QfMv7Fzw?t=47
  18. Yep, you got it. Is that why the Kiwi keeps plunging? North Korea gets a lot of sour grapes too.
  19. Bummer about living in NZ. I trade the Kiwi so I follow events there somewhat closely and having Mama Bear Ardern locking the island down over 1 case is horrifying... and an utter failure to accomplish anything other than massacring the economy. What is not futile? Ah. That makes you religious. Opinions formed on faith is religion. "That which enters the mind through reason can be corrected. That which is admitted through faith, hardly ever." - Santiago Ramon y Cajal I told you repeatedly: this is fun. Why can't you understand that? Oh I forgot, facts are irrelevant to you. You continue in your faith that I must have some other reason for my exercises in futility. You're putting me under a microscope futilely in search of what can't be found. Fun has no explanation. The right answer is always "I don't know." You should listen to this: Pay particular attention around 2:00 There is no purpose. There are no reasons. Welcome to philosophy: the futile study of nothing
  20. This is what is really scary: A shockingly large portion of Democrats favor draconian penalties for the unvaccinated; 55% are in favor of fines; 59% think unvaccinated people should be placed under house arrest; 48% say government should be allowed to fine or even imprison anyone who questions the effectiveness of the COVID jab; 45% approve of segregating the unvaccinated into internment camps; and 29% endorse removing children from parents who refuse the jab. https://www.tampafp.com/poll-nearly-half-of-democrats-support-fines-segregated-camps-and-prison-terms-for-those-who-disagree-with-them-on-covid/ For a vaccine that doesn't work against what's essentially little more than a common cold. If those totalitarians get into power there is no way out without a revolution.
  21. I don't remember asking that. Maybe you took a reference to faith the wrong way. I too love philosophy. Me neither. I'm worried about others. So like me you're just doing what is fun. I've always like puzzles and this is just another one.
  22. If I say 2+2=4, then how I present myself has nothing to do with whether the statement is true. My motives for saying 2+2=4 has nothing to do with the substance of my statement. If I call you a bunch of names, that doesn't mean my statement is false. If I have nefarious motives for making my statement, that still doesn't mean my statement is false. Facts and truth are not the same. Facts are a consensus of opinion that are generally regarded to be true, but might not be. Truth is irrelevant to how many people believe it.
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