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Everything posted by JustRandy

  1. And I thought you said nobody was being forced? New Zealand convoy protesters clog streets near Parliament Among the protesters' grievances is the requirement in New Zealand that certain workers get vaccinated against the coronavirus, including teachers, doctors, nurses, police and military personnel. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/zealand-convoy-protesters-clog-streets-parliament-82735576
  2. Divert from 96% vaccination rate and explosion in cases? Why do that? It would look better for you if 80% were the correct figure.
  3. If you're ever on a forum with a wider audience you may want to reconsider posting ads. But I'm sure it will be every else's fault if you do. 96% vaccinated and cases exploding. Nope, don't make sense.
  4. Yeah I'm aware of the situation now. If someone would have pointed me to the exact post before then I would have figured it out sooner, but this has never happened in two decades so I had no reason to suspect a link was even there. I have chrome, firefox, opera, IE and various others that I rarely use. I mainly use chrome.
  5. Someone needs to teach you to use the internet. Millions and millions use ad block, but you are the only one I've seen to post an ad.
  6. In 20 years of talking on forums you are the only one to post an ad. Next time just post the link to the site you want me to see, not google ad services. I didn't set it and don't know how to change it. It would be easier if people would post the link for the site they want me to see rather than google ad services. No one else has ever done that in 20 years. Quadmaniac, freedomflyer, and you do not do that.
  7. My browser is fully update. The problem is you posted an ad. My browser blocks ads. google ad services.
  8. I don't see it. Here are all the posts from page 10. Which one is the link in?
  9. I can see the link from Dave, but still don't see the link where Mech posted it. I searched and only found Dave's post. That link is only mentioned once in this thread.
  10. Where? When have you ever quoted your own post? Where is your link? Yeah you. You even admitted, proudly, to ignoring facts and said presenting them is futile. Well that furthers my point! LMFAO! 91% and 96% and NZ is still inundated with cases! Which is it? You can't seem to make up your mind. A person must be shown they are wrong before they can admit being wrong. If you want me to know I am wrong you must show me. Instead you refuse to quote your post containing the link. You refuse to take a screenshot. You refuse to tell me the date/time so I can find it. You refuse to do anything to help me see that I am wrong. I'm starting to think you have a split personality disorder. Once you go on record enough times I'll have you debating yourself with your own quotations.
  11. Of course I can see my own links and I can see links quadmaniac posted, but nothing from you. Why don't you quote your own post that contains the link so we at least know which post is supposed to contain the link.
  12. This is not even a case of potential censorship because you said I quoted the link which is obvious that I did not and you say the link is still here but I posted a screenshot showing it's not. You seem not to be here to express your views or engage in debate since you admitted to not reading posts and not being swayed by facts, but instead seem to be here specifically to play games presumably in hopes of stirring up trouble. There is either a tenuous tether to reality or a nefarious intention, but either way I can't see what can be gained or what enjoyment can be wrought by further flogging this dead horse.
  13. I don't see a link. Does anyone see a link?
  14. I can't be wrong until I see the link you allege exists. Wow talk about delusions of grandeur. I'm not sure even a 22 would reach the heights of your pedestal of infallibility on which you've perched yourself. What's important is you always find a way to come out on top. There is no way out of the game of oneupsmanship. Even humility is yet another method of appearing better than others. Just because people disagree with you does not mean they are attacking. Why do you perceive everything as an attack? You can't stop being willfully ignorant even though you claim free will? You proudly proclaimed facts do not matter and I am futilely wasting time with you. Do you have control over your inclinations or not? That's yet another illustration of you being what you are complaining about. Studying philosophers makes you a biographer or historian, not a philosopher. Before you can determine if you have free will you first have to determine who you are. At the end you may find that neither are true. “A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first awake.” - Gurdjieff Any clue what that means? "A proverb is no proverb to you until your life has illustrated it" - Keats
  15. What success? The spread looks out of control to me.
  16. Which post? Give me a date/time or something to go by. I swear I have not seen a link from you. Do you think I'm playing games? Well then what are you trying to trap me in? If I say they can have nukes then you'll admonish me for letting rogue states have nukes. If I say they can't then you'll say they are innocent. It's a game you know I can't win because you designed it that way to trap me. I'm not going to play it. If they are violent states then they can't. have nukes If they aren't then they can. Whether or not there are or aren't is up to someone else to decide because I don't have the info necessary.
  17. Kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2 which is why velocity is more important that mass. More likely the 2 animals were hit differently because the high velocity would probably slow down closer to the speed of the subsonic by the time it hits the animal over any decent distance. Resistance of air increases by the square of the velocity I think. I suspect this because a 1260 fps hollow at 30 ft had the same exit hole as a 970 fps round nose, but at 10 ft the 1260 hollow split the back of the water bottle. That indicates that the 1260 slows down quickly and the resultant speed isn't sufficient to cause the hollow to mushroom. So the only way to produce any difference is to shoot within 10 ft. That's why I prefer subsonic round noses.
  18. I don't know, but I don't see a link posted by you. I can post screenshots to prove it if you'd like. Better yet, why don't you post a screenshot showing me where it is. We generally don't let felons and those convicted of domestic violence to have arms even to deter crime, so your analogy doesn't fit.
  19. I agree. I guess the question is at what distance will the #4 shot penetrate sufficiently to do more damage than the over-penetration of the 22. It's too bad I didn't think of shooting that coyote with the 410, then I'd know.
  20. What has finding my own posts have to do with a link you posted? Where is the link?
  21. What you say makes sense which is why I experimented to know for sure. I took subsonic round noses and drilled hollow points in them and fired them into 2-liter bottles filled with water. There wasn't any difference. But when using hypersonic ammo (which only seems to come in hollows) there was a bit more of an exit hole, so it expanded a little. The 410 just blew the bottle into small bits. It took a while cleaning up the mess. So to get a better idea I backed up a bit away from the bottle and the 410 riddled it with holes as if I'd shot a whole magazine of 22s into it. One shot with a 410 made more holes the exact same size as a whole mag of 22s. I think I still have the bottles. I can post pics if you want. Basically I just wanted to know if there was a difference in the round nose and hollows because the rounds don't jam as much as the hollows. 22 just doesn't have the velocity for the hollow point to make a difference. 22 magnum might be different. Yeah but I would never use a shotgun to shoot anything at 150ft unless it's a 12ga with 00 or slug. I'm talking 40-50 ft which is what a mass shooter would do or a self defense situation. 50 - 100 ft is about where I shoot rabbit and squirrel. The 22 will do the same damage near or far, but a shotgun only works close up, and the damage it does up close is worse than a 22. Oh, I just remembered a buddy shot a coyote so we decided to experiment on the carcass. I put some firewood behind it and shot it several times and the rounds went straight through without doing much damage. It was hard to even find the holes in the fur. There are slowmo videos on youtube showing rounds going through ballistic gel. A slow round like a 38 special just goes through without doing much but a fast round like a 223 will cause a huge wound cavity. The velocity makes the difference.
  22. What link? Maybe I'm missing it but I read through page 9 and 10 twice and don't see a link from you. Also you changed some your posts after I quoted them. Maybe slow down a bit and not edit so much.
  23. Yep, you seem to be hiding them. I'm going to go eat and watch a movie and if I don't see the correct figures when I get back then I'll assume mine were correct and you're full of baloney.
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