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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2018 in Posts

  1. Do you have a multimeter? measure resistance on main switch, black to black/red, and red to brown. Both should have continuity when switch is on and no continuity when switch is off
    1 point
  2. Yep, I just find it odd that 2 different products from 2 different sellers have the wrong connectors on them. Oh, and my second aftermarket CDI I bought from a different seller also has the wrong connector.. The 2 aftermarket CDI's are a little bit different in the wire length and color is a little off to them but the connectors are still wrong. I really don't understand why no one else has this issue, because people buy aftermarket CDIs all the time with these machines. Needless to say the bike runs now, I finally rode it for the first time at 10pm last night since i bought it broken. (I was just told it needed stator and starter hence the beginning of my whole ordeal) It was still well worth the effort of fixing it.
    1 point
  3. Hello ! I am new here and I am looking for service manual for a 1992 Big Boss 6x6 ATV. I see it in your listing but cannot find the link for download. Many thanks and enjoy your day ! Roberveil
    1 point
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