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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2019 in Posts

  1. I have a 2018 570 eps. I find the EBS to be quite strong , enough to skid the rear tires. To overcome this I add a touch of throttle and apply brakes...when decending . It's just a matter of getting used to it.
    1 point
  2. New here so I figured id swing in here and say hey... I am quad crazy for sure! My current count is at ten it fluctuates often as old project's get finished traded or sold! I build quads for whoever wants to go fast, but the fun begins when fast isnt enough! I specialize in streetbike quads and built minibikes but I am constantly looking for new stuff! I normally have honda in stock for the factory riders but when we want custom I look for good rollers and put 600cc+ streetbike motors in em! Currently I have 06 polaris predator with a gsxr 600 in it and an 06 yfz450 with an sv650 in it... both are down for upgrades or rebuild. Sv650 about to be rebuilt and gxxrquad got a new exhaust valve job and sprocket set! Hopefully by memorial day 2019 one if not both will be back up! Im looking for hosting sites for pics but am thinking about starting a youtube for people to follow along as I work and build! Anyways if I can be of any assistance please send a message and I will do what I can! I may not know it all but if I can help I will do my best! Happy riding and if you see a blue or black blurr coming your way its probably me on the shop bike Gxxrquad Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Empty old gas if any. Fill gas and hope they run and seals are good. You could check oil level. Just have to see if they turn over and fix what's needed from sitting.
    1 point
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