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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello all, name is Travis and I am much more active over on the Rzrfourms (same user name) as I live to ride my rzr; currently a brand spanking new 2021 XP 1000 Premium. I am from Southwest PA and ride local trails most often, but do trailer to places like: Mines and Meadows, Mountain Ridge, and Hatfield McCoy frequently. I stumbled across this forum when searching for a service manual for my uncle's 2010 Polaris Ranger XP 800 EPS as his machine is well overdue for some TLC. In my ignorance I thought I could download the file instantly, but was kindly informed of the rules here; which I plan to abide by. I grew up tearing up my dad's utility quads as a kid, but now I am the neighborhood wrench when it comes to fixing/maintaining everyone else's ride.
    1 point
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