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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2023 in Posts

  1. Why do you feel the need to question my comments and knowledge? I made a statement for the OP. I’m going to remain polite and just let you be. Good night.
    1 point
  2. Petroleum jelly does kind of melt and go away with heat. Silicone grease is definately better, longer lasting.
    1 point
  3. Tried . . . failed. got a heck of a shiner from it. I'm good at ducking and rolling into the unexpected but oops, ya git hit once in awhile anyway. That last large blow down top was the one that got me. If ya look close as Im walking back after picking up my helmet and cam, you can see stick poking up from the front of my bike. It (one in a million?) slid up in the adjustment slot on my gun (moose) fork and that whipped the tree top down under the visor. I thought I was going off until my lid went flying. Still a good ride and a good day. If Id been on the throttle it would have been bad. Ill take a chainsaw next time . . . once was enough.
    1 point
  4. Instead of looking ahead at selling it, maybe you should think about which would be better suited to what you will be using it for. Then use it until the wheels fall off and have a lot of fun! Worry about selling it if/when that day comes....
    1 point
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