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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2023 in Posts

  1. @Gwbarm Thanks! I thought so as well, but this carb copy is most definitely produced from the original blueprints, all of the parts are interchangeable as in I actually took the bottom half from the copy and mounted it on the original, perfect fit (original had the drain screw totally stuck). I guess most copies aren't that exact @Mech Thanks! I guess we will just use the ATV and see if this happens again 40 hours down the line... Hopefully it lasts 🙏 Yeah I was lucky that the carb copy was an exact replica, but obviously something really important is differing between them. Well, another problem solved, ATV running better than ever, thanks for your input once again everyone!
    1 point
  2. Thank y’all for the help with my problem, I ended up adjusting the air / fuel mixture and it took me a couple of times but is running better then it has in a long time.
    1 point
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