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Posts posted by dirtdevil96

  1. I found a site that sells factory service manuals(type used at dealerships)and I thought I'd pass it along.They also sell some cheaper(inferior in my opinion)manuals as well. Repair Manual Catalog Online - RepairManual.com <--They had manuals for ATV's,motorcycles,lawnmowers,trimmers,etc.I've also seen FSM's available from Rocky Mountain ATV/MC I think this would make a good sticky;if the mods or admin would allow it...

  2. you need to find a new dealer than :laugh:

    no quad is supposed to go over 80 stock.

    Who told you no quad was supposed to go over 80?Your PoPo dealer or your "other"dealer?:rolleyes:I've seen Banshees go over 100.You're not "supposed" to do some of the things you do but you still do them right?I rest my case.

    From what I've seen, a Z400, let alone DVX400 cannot hang with my 450. The TRX450 will top out stock around 72-75mph. I really don't see a DVX400 going 70-75mph
    I think you have the size=faster way of thinking.Maybe there was something wrong with the one Z400 you ran against?Maybe it had lower gearing that limited the top end?Maybe I have one of the few that were extra fast stock?Since you've never ridden with me you really don't know.
  3. Are you taking to me????

    If So let me make myself Perfectly Clear....There will be NO TALK about DRUGS on this site....PERIOD....Comprendo????

    Thanks for making a positive stand on this subject.I don't want to ride with or be around anyone who's under the influence of anything.I've been to a couple other forums that didn't enforce this and it's just what the hate groups need to further their cause.
  4. I'm a member www.atvoutdoors.com forum.I go by the same username there also.I found this one when the outdoors site was down.I haven't decided which one I like better.This site is set up different and it's taking me some time to get used to the design setup of everything.I'm not a moderator on any forum site and I don't think I'm computer savvy enough to be one.I'm still trying to learn how to post pics.:confused:Last night I got a friend setup as a member to this site.He goes by hondaboy1970.I'm a member of a couple car forums as well- NAISSO Impala SuperStore Parts and Gift Catalog and ImpalaSSForum.com I have a '96 Caprice project car;but I'm starting to lose interest in it.Cars cost alot more to mod than quads and have the same effect.All in all I like this site;especially all the tabs at the top of the page and how you can preveiw a post before you click on it.I really don't have any suggestions;just keep up the good work!

  5. I don't know if it's true but the local AC dealer said the new ThunderCat1000 will do 85mph in 4x4.I was riding with a buddy who has a Prairie 650(has speedometer)and I know my stock DVX400 will do at least 65.It wasn't maxed out yet;the same dealer said the DVX'll do around 70-75.Has anyone installed a Trailtech speedometer/tachometer?I'm thinking about getting one and want to know how difficult it is to install.

  6. BuckBilly-Mule Ridge is the only riding area I've been to.I thought it was OK but I don't have anything to compare it to.It's about 1/2 hr from my house.I liked the fact the trails were labeled for difficulty level.I also liked there's no trucks or Jeeps allowed so it's a nice place to learn at.They also have spots labeled "mud" and "winch"and a couple semi-moto style tracks.Badlands is about 45 min from my house.After the weather warms up I'll check that place out.Downfour-That's crazy you mention Danville;that's the city I work and shop in.You don't work at Coultas do you?I know someone who works there that has a Rappy.I'd really like to join y'all that weekend in March but I have to work every weekend.If I have Easter Sunday off I might be able to get out.My normal days off are Tues and Wed.:mad:

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome guys!I'm located on the west central side;about 50 miles north of Terre Haute.I live in the country;but the closest town is called Cayuga.I've been riding on my folks property which is mainly woods and some pastures.There's a couple riding areas close to me(Mule Ridge&Badlands)but I've only been to Mule Ridge so far due to transportation issues.I got a truck in December but now need some longer ramps.I have both quads apart for upgrades and am waiting for weather above 40 to finish because the garage doesn't have any heat.Where are you at and where do you ride?

  8. trailblazer_02 Have you ever heard of Dial a Jet?It works similar to a jet kit and some people say it's better than rejetting.I don't have any personal experience with it but you can check it out on this link Dial-A-Jet High Performance Snowmobiles ATVs Products Mikuni Polaris Yamaha Carburetors Clutching On most quads it's recommended you rejet with higher flow air filter and/or exhaust.I'm also not familair with PoPo's so is that a 4 or 2 stroke engine?Auto or manual shift?As far as color goes;black shows alot of scratches so I would go with a lighter color like blue or red.As far as exhaust;I'd go with a full system instead of a slip on.Keep in mind that alot of riding areas are being shut down because of excessive noise;so if you could get an exhaust that is quiet but still improves power that'd be the style to go with.I got an HMF QRS full system for my Arctic Cat and they say the decibal rating is close to 100 or below.Stock DB on it is about 89.I got my HMF from Motorcycle Parts, Gear and Accessories at MotoSport Hope this helps-later

  9. Hey I'm new to this forum.I just got into ATV's last summer after wanting one since I was 6.I currently have 2.My first quad was a 1991 Honda 250X and I still have it.My second quad is a 2007 Arctic Cat DVX400.I like working on quads(I'm a mechanic by trade)but I like riding more.I'd like to find more places to ride,good mods,and maybe find some riding buddies.I'm on the atvoutdoors forum too.TTYL

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