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Everything posted by Wagnerc

  1. I’ve had it and the worst part about it was no taste and smell. I’ve also lost people to it, so I understand that part of it too. The masks are a joke though. If they won’t stop dust when blowing of equipment then how do people expect them to stop a virus. Especially when most people don’t even wear them correctly. A virus has to run its course and we have to develop herd immunity in my opinion. Running the economy in the ground and pinning neighbor against neighbor is the main goal and outcome from this virus. It is a deadly disease but we need to take a stand and get the country back up and going. Just a little rant. Y’all have a good one.
  2. Forgot to say it’s goin on a brute force 750
  3. Kenda bear claw htr not sure if it’s worth the extra money for the 8 ply. The Wanda I was looking at is the p341
  4. We have barn owl cameras where we don’t have WiFi. Caught two guys the other night and sent them to the jailhouse.
  5. Where is the best place to get transmission parts. Haven’t got it apart yet to see what’s wrong with it.
  6. It seems like it looses fuel prime after sitting A few days. If you ride it every day it will fire right up. Parked for a few and you have to use either to start it.
  7. Are the tires on Amazon worth getting? Wanda and Kenda are two I was looking at
  8. Wagnerc


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