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Matt Pfalzer

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Posts posted by Matt Pfalzer

  1. Looks like they put the lug on before they delivered it so those look good. Will keep a close eye out. Wondering if its best to do the first 20 hour service myself or bring it somewhere. The issue with bringing it somewhere is that I would need to rent a trailer to get it there. I brought the 4 wheeler to the house on a moving truck so there was no need for a trailer to transport it to the new house. Is it really hard to do by ones self or is it better left to them?


  2. Hello, 

    I have only been riding for a few years now but encountered a situation today where I needed to tow a riding lawn mower out of a ditch. It was going well but I had to stop in the middle and place the 4 wheeler in park to turn the wheels on the lawn mower so it would glide out of the slope easily. I am wondering if it is going to cause damage with all of that weight resting on the transmission when I had the 4 wheeler in park. It was only for about 45 seconds, then I got back on and tugged it the rest of the way. This 4 wheeler doesn't have a parking break so that wasn't an option.


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