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Posts posted by Mech

  1. Yeah Gw's right about using the easy-out. If you  drill it out too much the easy-out will spread the screw if it's tight and make things worse. Drill it a bit and then try the easy-out. Then if it doesn't turn drill it further. As long as you get the hole real well centered you can drill them fairly thin. I prefer to use an old fashioned egg-beater drill because it's slow and delicate drilling. Heat on the aluminium does help as well.. I've found the most effective part of it though is tapping the outside of that aluminium tube, and if you have thin lube down the hole, the tapping helps it work down the threads even if you don't spread the metal to enlarge the hole.

    Lube and tap it then drill it, then use an easy-out, or drive a small steel jewelers screwdriver into the hole..  The screwdriver won't spread the hole as much as the easy-out.. if you choose the right size drill and screwdriver.

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  2. You've got the slide needle "lifted to the top slot" ? I hope you mean you have the needle lifted, which would be with the clip in the lowest groove on the needle. You want the needle raised, not lowered..

    Have you completely stripped and checked the carb right over, checked every jet and O ring is in there, and that they seem to be about the right sizes/in the right proportions between the fuel jet and it's corresponding air jet, that the float level is right, and that plenty of fuel is getting in through the float needle ? It will be either not getting enough fuel, or getting too much air..

    If you put your hand across the back of the carb and only let a bit of air in between your fingers, will it rev up then ?

    The genuine carbs nearly always run better than any after=market one. I'd try fixing the old one.

    I've got the idle mixture screws out before by drilling them. First though, most of the screws are in a sort of aluminium tube, and it's often just a thin walled tube in part. Often at the front side of the screw's tube there is a thin walled bit. If you gently tap that bit, as much as is possible, with a punch and tiny hammer, before you drill the screw out, you can spread the metal and expand the hole slightly. Because the screw is only fat where the threads are, you can expand most of the metal that's around the threads.

    If you look at a mixture screw you'll see the threads only go down a certain way before the needle starts, and the spring is. That's the part that's seized and we can tap the tube around quite a bit of that. When/if you do drill,  don't drill so deep that the drill hits the spring. Drill it first with a very tiny drill and stop if it's not exactly in the center. If it's off center, drill that shallow drilling out with a slightly larger drill so that you can then go back to the smaller drill again and drill at an angle with it to correct the centering. Once the tiny drill is getting across to the center position you enlarge the holes and then go back to the tiny one again. Keep doing that. By putting the tiny drill down a slightly larger hole you can realign things. Once you have a hole going down to the right depth and in the center then you drill it out to a size that will just leave a thin wall of threads and then use an easy-out or a screwdriver driven gently in to wind the weakened screw out. The screws are soft and drill easy. Once the center is out of them they loose their grip in the hole.

    Oh.. It normally only effects them at revs, but a blocked exhaust won't let it suck air in, and will give a lot of back pressure and so make it spit out the carb. There's a difference though between spitting back out the carb, and backfiring back out the carb. Spitting is back pressure, and backfiring is mainly caused by lean mixture.

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  3. Welcome along.

    Stay safe on that beast.

    Here's a suggestion since you've just started riding quads..  They don't behave like two wheelers..  When you are cornering hard and lean into it, if you put your weight on the inside wheel, that wheel will get more traction and try to force the bike around in the opposite direction to which you are trying to turn. To corner you do lean into the corner, but you keep the weight on the outside foot and lean right over the bike to the inside of the corner. You'll find that it will corner much better that way.

    Have fun..

  4. I think the biggest problem would be figuring which wire is meant to go to which pin on the new cdi. None of the diagrams show the plugs with wire colours, and it's highly likely that they will have changed the pin-outs.. they do that !

    Unless you had a newer bikes wiring loom to check which colour is in which position in the cdi plug, it would be trial and error.

  5. Are you sure there isn't a bad wire to terminal, or terminal to cdi pin connection ? Wires sometimes break inside the insulation right where they get crimped into the terminal. You can generally tell because the wire is floppy because it's only being held together by the insulation. Other than that, try pinching the terminals a little tighter where they fit into/onto the cdi.

  6. It looks like it might work but I don't see any reason why you would need the later regulator. Here are all the wiring diagrams for all the four wheel drive models and none of them look like they need the regulator to earth the pulse or cdi charge windings, and the battery charge windings are all insulated as well. That's the "output" pdf. This is what I think you are considering fitting.

    The ohms for their stator windings are, cdi charge windings 105-160 ohms, and trigger windings 100-200.

    The two wheel drive shows cdi having seven wires if you allow the coil and the cdi are both earthed by a B/w. The pdf with it's wiring diagrams is called "2WD".

    The only problem might be the difference between chain and shaft driven stators because the two different stators have slightly different ranges of acceptable ohms.

    For shaft drive the cdi charge windings are 150-250 ohms and the trigger coil is 70-160.

    For chain drive the cdi charge windings are 150-350 ohms and the trigger coil is 100-200.

    So if the stator was right at the end of it's allowable range it might be outside the range of allowances for the other cdi.

    Big question.. Is your bike shaft drive or chain drive.


    output.pdf 2WD.pdf

  7. Your wife's car sound like just the thing for me to buy..  haha.

    Yeah I used to prefer manuals, but I've had autos for a few years now and they seem pretty good compared to thirty years ago.

    The auto I overhauled for my self went bad at about 250,000km, and by that time the car would probably have needed or been on it's second clutch, and so the cost of parts was somewhat comparable to overhaul the auto or have done two clutches. They charge you an arm and a leg though to overhaul an auto, so I guess my considerations in all these calculations aren't the considerations or calculations I'd make for other people.

    And yeah, it's good to have two cars, and a nice one for the wife. My cars, which are always station wagons, always used to end up smelling like oily old motors because of the car truck or tractor parts and tool box I inevitably used to end up having in the back.

  8. Yeah I agree Gw.. People are just people and all have their own concerns for sure, but it still seems strange that there aren't any better candidates putting their hand up or being put forward. I don't understand how that can happen.

    Democracy should in theory ensure that the best man wins.. Surely there must be better candidates, so why aren't they being pushed forwards ? How can there not be some better man or woman in a country of that size ?

    Come on Johniii and Quad, explain that to me..  If you guys can see what's wrong with the candidates, why can't anyone else see it, and why aren't you or some other dissatisfied patriot putting their hand up ? And I have to ask, are either of you guys paid up members of either of the parties, do you attend the rallies, do you campaign or nominate someone better ?

    I'd like to hear. I've asked earlier how it comes to this, and you both have plenty of criticism of the candidates, but you don't explain how it is they are the candidates.



  9. "Whether you want to believe it or not,  Biden  is  respected  internationally and  tRump is viewed as an  incompetent laughing stock and a threat to  your "democracy".".

    You're right again Gw.. Trumps seen as a madman that's a threat to world peace. I'm amazed that these guys can't see he's a threat to their country's peace.

    That video wasn't news. It was biased commentators claiming to know what Biden was thinking, claiming to know he was confused. For all I know he might have been wondering if it was ok to take a piss on the wheel of air force one. He had his wife with him because he's a nice guy in a good relationship. He might be getting feeble physically, but his character is a far better bet that Trumps.

    Every time I see Trump he's spewing vitriol and promulgating nationalist views. He's a threat to world peace, the enviroment, and to most of the people of the world.

    Again though, I have to ask, what's happened to America that these two are the only candidates seen as leaders ? How does a country get so spiritually decrepit that they can't find better candidates than that ? Where are America's values that it comes to this ?

    It's a worry.. Seriously guys..  Looking from the outside, this is just sad and worrying to see. America is looking far more demented than Biden, and even more morally bereft than Trump...  Seriously

  10. Yup.. For the price of a manual from the book store or off the internet, you can have all the manuals you will ever likely need. Or, just keep chatting.

    You could describe the rough running in a bit more detail.. Does it do it all the time, hot and cold ? Does it run rough at idle, or only when you open the throttle a little, or only under a heavy load or at speed ?

    Resetting the light doesn't make them run any different. It's just to tell you it's time for a service(you've done 100 hours), or the belt is loose and needs some work.

  11. Gw's right about the rough running.. You should do a standard tune/inspection first, checking the rubber hoses, air-cleaner, spark-plug, drain the carb perhaps looking for water in the fuel.. Then see how it goes.

    The service light reset procedure is in the manual, in the electrical section. I'm not going to describe it because there are pictures of plugs you need to find. Get the manual.

  12. Yeah good engines shouldn't use any oil, well shouldn't need a top up anyway, between oil changes.

    All my subs were non-turbo. They were a bit gutless for sure, but I'm never in a hurry.

    I used to go to the city with people to help them buy a car and my suggestion was we'll look at a few candidates and choose the model you like best, then we'll look at as many of them as we can in a couple of days and compare their conditions and what they will need to make them good for a few years, and then choose the best one based on that. These were always second hand cars of course. We'd buy something that was the right price for us to do what was needed to make it good again, then take it home and do the work and people have always been happy with their/our choice. I've talked people into buying cars that had over heated, or that barely moved because the clutch was worn out, but were absolute bargains because every thing else about them was in excellent condition, and better than some other things that were running good but were worn out all over or had rust, and sometimes rust hidden under a new paint job. We'd get them cheap, I'd nurse them the two-hundred miles home and then do the work and they would be good for years. They were all cars with a few miles and years on them though, which used to be the norm here in N.Z... Especially for families in the country.

    All modern cars are pretty good though, except for the occasional recognised fault some models have, so choose something you are comfortable in and like the look of I reckon. About the only thing that would deter me from a model I liked would be those horrible CVT, which seem prone to faults, and seem awful to drive as well. I don't know about there but here we can nearly always get a manual version of things. Some have manual, auto/twin-clutch and CVT options.

    It's always a worry though buying the next car I think, so good luck with it..  haha


    Oh.. And I'm sure you don't need to be told.. Make sure wife likes it..  haha

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