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Everything posted by DAFinner

  1. Thanks for the reply. Wanna get rid of it? And if so, what's your price & zip code so I can figure approximate shipping costs.
  2. Okay. Best of luck to you. Appreciate ya letting me know when you do find out. Thanks
  3. Awesome fun! Years back my brother and I got a hold of a wrecked escort and rallied it all over. Then we cut the top off and it kinked on first jump, dragging the bottom center of car. Over real quick with no top. Lol
  4. I use this Diehard 2A charger/maintainer. Has worked well on all size batteries including my camper deep cells. It comes with a small post battery pigtail that you hook to your battery permanently and has a quick connect w/dust cap that you stash under your seat until your ready to take 2 seconds and plug it in. My buddy hangs his out the side of his seat so he doesn't even have to take the seat off although his dust cap is gone, twice now, because of this choice. Oops. Forgot to paste this https://duckduckgo.com/y.js?ad_domain=acehardware.com&ad_provider=bing&ad_type=prad&eddgt=8qgYMz9-ck5y1731chj66Q%3D%3D&rut=4b52771be454cf5b310ee73e7acdfd6af0eb84565b6d38a82c35ccc16754c2ca&u3=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Faclick%3Fld%3De8MxGsQymYRabBdpcTEMOjfzVUCUxafzIPPPRPN-i1E5NCSTC4rPhGvN_TmP27KdJ79lAqga09MSzu6KYBIz8yEq79MNaviekr8Pd0K3GhPZIm4j4oZmQiNGEOxKXbArmQTf4Fr6tyYTsqePVSt6hJafksaqOLK0CR3bPmCowI7jHnxdViarWo_yXoeBCbrXXKR3fUNQ%26u%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%26rlid%3D3156df9522af1fdc87fbbc92aead0fee&vqd=3-83414361057563216432242783713106412555-318649993365990402464379241306139444231&iurl={1}IG%3DBF55B0CBA8E644168DD7ED0CE089EEFA%26CID%3D03CF0D4032716CBA10F81F4B33566DC2%26ID%3DDevEx%2C5073.1
  5. And I'd be more than happy to share my findings and progress with all ya All.
  6. I have an opportunity to by a project one of these. I believe it is a 350. Not nearly as clean as this one and it red, blak and white, if I remember correctly.
  7. Hey All, Just wondering if anyone knows of any ATV junkyards and their contact info. I'm up in the panhandle of Idaho and we have no sources of used, secondhand or junkyards for atv or motorcycles nearby that I've been able to find. I've heard of some pretty large ones that operate east of me and would like to know if anyone here has a recommendation or experience in this matter. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey All, Just wondering if anyone knows a good, fair priced place to get carb kits?
  9. Mee toooo. I can't wait to get my greasy fingers on a couple of them manuals. Lol
  10. If first you don't succeed, have someone hold your drink and hit it harder with both hands on the handlebars.

  11. Hi All, Looking for a 1996 Yamaha Kodiak 400 fuel tank and petcock.
  12. Hey All, New here and wanted to introduce myself. As for quads I've grown up on them and the 2-wheeler type. I've owned or extensively ridden everything from a tote-goat (2x2) to a Brute Force 850. 350 Fourtrax, Kodiak 400, Grizzly 700, Raptor 700, Grizzly 660, Honda Big Red 300 and 350, Big Bear 350 and many 2-wheelers, street/enduro/dirt. I now own a 2005 Yammerhammer 200 2x4, a 96 Honda trx300ex 2x4, a 91ish Suzuki DR350 Enduro and a 2008 Honda CRF230L.
  13. Hey Newber, I'm curious on what you found out on your gearbox issue. I just picked up a 96 trx300ex that's been outside with no plastics for the past decade or so and would like to learn about any problems to avoid while working on this restoration project. Thanks in advance.
  14. I picked up a 1996 TRX300EX bike as a project and need the air intake tube that goes from air box to carb and also need an air box lid because someone cut a hole in the lid on this one.
  15. I picked up a 1996 TRX300EX bike as a project and need plastics. Front fenders, rear fenders/seat mount. I have the handlebar plastics although they are cracked and weathered badly.
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