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Posts posted by JustRandy

  1. Trump asks Supreme Court to block Congress getting his tax returns  https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/31/trump-asks-supreme-court-to-block-congress-getting-his-tax-returns.html

    I never seen anyone allegedly so rich who is so terrified of anyone seeing their tax returns that they'd be dragged kicking and screaming all the way to the supreme court. 

    Warren Buffett waves his in front of the camera to prove he doesn't do anything special, but Trump would rather die than have anyone find out that even the poorest person on the planet has more money than him.

    I lost respect for him in the 80s after he filed the first of his 7 bankruptcies and never gave him a second thought until 2015 when he ran for president because what kind of financial genius goes bankrupt.


    Trump is without a doubt the best conman who has ever lived.  He conned hillbillies into thinking he's just like them.  He conned evangelicals into thinking he supports their interests after proudly proclaiming he never asks God for forgiveness because he never does anything wrong.  He conned republicans into supporting a life-long democrat who supported the Clintons. 

    It's incredible how easy it is to fool people.


    I can't wait for his tax returns to be public.  It's just a matter of time.  Then we'll discover how many billions in the hole he is and why he really wanted the fed to cut interest rates. Tick Tock.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

    Seems you only want to attribute bad things to him

    No I conceded that he did things favorable for lower gas prices.  Heck I voted for him.

    Is it that you can't read or are you blinded by fealty for Dear Leader?

    The problem with Trumpers is they never held him accountable for his actions.  They gave him 90% approval regardless what he did, so he just did whatever.

    He said so himself.


    Pretty much the definition of a cult.

    44 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

    We'll cancel each other out at the polls.

    I hope you're prepared to cancel out the election rigging too.  Another gift from Trump.

  3. 1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

    You probably don't know it, but the internet tax thing was in motion back in 1991.

    Well, what's relevant is whether or not Trump's existence cost me 10% for the rest of my life with no possibility of being overturned.

    Clarence Thomas (Bush), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Clinton), Samuel Alito (Bush), Neil Gorsuch (Trump), Anthony Kennedy (Reagan) voted for the tax.
    Stephen Breyer (Clinton), Sonia Sotomayor (Obama),  Elena Kagan (Obama),  John Roberts (Bush) voted against.


    If Hillary had won in 2016, she would have appointed an "Obama judge" and I would never have to pay sales tax on internet purchases.

    On top of that. Gorsuch is a disaster who voted for cops to rummage through phone data without a warrant.  Luckily the libs outvoted him.

    I don't think Trump appointed anyone that he didn't regret and later try to fire.  A blind monkey throwing darts could make better choices.  His whole cabinet was nothing but swamp.

    1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

    As for Trump, I think I've saved more than enough in gas,

    It's true that he did things favorable for low gas prices, but largely the markets are out of the influence of presidents.  Oil prices had been cratering since 2014 under Obama ,which was mostly to do with fracking and fed tightening.

    Oil had been cut in half long before Trump:


    1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

    made more than enough in my 401k

    Stock buybacks accounted for much of that, but Trump did give the robber barons a hefty tax cut (so they could buy back more stock) and then begged the fed to do more QE in 2019, which is funny because he admonished Obama for doing the same thing.

    In the 2nd debate with Hillary in 2016 Trump said the stock market was a Big Fat Ugly Bubble, then he drove it higher and at the top he begged the fed to cut rates and relaunch QE to save his Bigger Fatter and Uglier bubble before the election.

    You think that is good?

    And in the same debate he said he'd put Hillary in jail.  What happened to that?  Oh yeah,,, Trump is a former Clinton supporter.  https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/02/howard-stern-remembers-trump-hillary-clinton-support

    1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

    and got enough raises in 2016-2020

    If Trump isn't your employer then he had nothing to do with that.

    The trouble is people credit things to Trump that he had nothing or very little to do with.

    I made 20x more money under Biden than I made under Trump, so does it follow that Biden is a better president?  No, because Biden had zero to do with it.  Correlation is not causation.  The fed and congress had more to do with it by driving up asset prices with stimmies.

    Not for lack of trying, but Biden hasn't done anything to hurt me.  His vax mandates were shot down, he isn't coming for my guns, and gas prices are only $1 higher than Trump, which is mostly to do with the war.  The inflation we're seeing now is all about supply problems stemming from covid which never would have occurred without Trump.  Before Trump came along, racists were all over the net and no one cared.  I'll never outlive the damage caused by Trump, even if he didn't himself do it.

    I'll vote for any GOP that somehow slithers onto the ticket, but if it's Trump, I'm voting for Brandon and I think a lot of people will.  The GOP would be better off if they pick DeSantis.  I think Trump is Brandon's only chance at reelection.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

    Trump is the only one that turned the downward slide of America around

    If Trump had lost in 2016 then covid and all the censorship would not have happened.  And I wouldn't be paying 10% tax on all internet purchases for the rest of my life.

    For 20 years I paid no internet sales tax until Trump appointed Gorsuch.  The Obama judges voted against it.

    Life would be much better now if Trump had never existed.

  5. Probably the best way is to take a gift like garden veggies or some fruit of your own labor then ask if there are chores they need done in exchange for riding on their land.  Express an interest in maintaining their property so they know you won't trash it.  Friendships are reciprocal and not just one way.

    That said, I would never let a stranger ride on my land under any circumstances because if they get hurt then I am liable.  Even if they wouldn't sue me, their insurance company could.  So I would have to know that person would lie to protect me which means they would have to have been a friend for many years.  The unfortunate reality of the litigious society in which we live is there is no way for landowners to protect themselves other than keeping people out.  And there are so many bad apples out there who promise one thing and do something else that from my perspective it isn't worth taking the chance.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, WisQuad said:

    Worth it as registration fee goes to keeping the trails open.

    Here in GA the general taxes go to maintaining the public trails, which includes bulldozing a couple times a year.  There are only 2 rules pertaining to atvs: have brakes and a muffler.

  7. My starter goes out once a year or two but that's because I use it so much.  Lots of short trips.  It wears the brushes down to nothing.  So I keep a bunch of brushes on the shelf along with a couple rebuilt starters ready to go.  Even when the starter starts to go it's not a big deal.  I hit the button and nothing happens so I rock the atv forward in gear and the starter starts working.  I can get along like that for a long time before finally replacing it.  It's not like it would leave me stranded or anything.  That's a good thing since it doesn't have a backup starting mechanism like a pull cord or kicker.

    I guess I got used to the reverse.  When I pull up to the garden I usually already have it in reverse before even coming to a stop and shutting it off.  That way I can jump on with an arm load of stuff and not worry about finding reverse.  I fixed it so it will start in any gear so a lot of times I park it in reverse, then just hit the button and go.

    It's one of the most nimble and maneuverable quads made.  I went riding with a couple guys on big 4x4s and spent most of the time riding in circles and doing donuts waiting on them to get over a log, down a hill, or out from being pinned between trees.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gwbarm said:

    I still don't think iv gotten a correct answer from DMV she seemed like a deer in headlights when I asked the question.

    Yeah they don't know much.  She's probably answering the question about a street bike. 

    Like I said my friend was issued tags then got pulled over and ticketed because tags were not supposed to be issued.  Maybe ask for the manager or ask who can provide a definitive answer.  Somebody somewhere has to know the law.

    15 minutes ago, Gwbarm said:

    No ATV can be operated on public roads in the state of miss.

    Because they aren't designed to be on the road.  They would need dot approved street tires, mirrors, and horn at the least.  Maybe turn signals too.  It's strange they would require tags for a vehicle that can't go on the road anyway.

    I think to get a title you'd have to find the one who has the title in their name and get them to file for a lost title and get a replacement, then transfer the title to you and pay the sales tax on the purchase amount plus notary fees and application fees.  That's how it usually works with cars.

  9. Tags?  You shouldn't need tags to get a title.  And if you don't get tags then you won't need insurance.  Do you plan on riding on the road?

    I know a guy who got tags for his atv then got pulled over and informed atvs can't have tags and can't be legally driven on the roads.  They made a mistake at the DMV.

  10. I suppose it depends on state law but around here it's pretty rare to see a title unless the atv is fairly new and from the original owner.  I guess the sellers lose them or the buyers never think to ask.  Or if the buyer demanded a title the seller would just sell to someone else.  I've only seen one atv title and that's only because the person who bought it new was a close friend.

    Probably the people who keep track of the title also change the oil and do maintenance often so they value the atv more.  The ones who lose the title probably forget to do a lot of things or they just don't care.

  11. Love super-low!  I can fool around all day crawling over logs and pretty much anything that happens to get in my way lol

    There is a mod you can do to make the diff lock in any range, but I forgot exactly what it is after 10 years.  Also a mod to start in any gear without finding neutral.  I'm sure there are threads on here about it somewhere.

    In winter the air is denser so it runs a bit leaner and a bit hotter, especially driving slow.  The heat blowing out on my leg sure feels good in winter and in summer I just move my leg farther out to avoid the heat.  I don't run it all the time, just when I think it might be running hot.

    When it gets too hot the ring gaps close and further expansion pushes the rings into the cylinder walls.  Once it starts burning oil then it starts running out of oil then the next thing you know the head is toast.  That happened to me a few years ago.  Luckily I had a spare head and cam laying around but they generally run $200 on ebay.  I don't want to go down that road again so I make sure that fan is on anytime it starts feeling hot.

    The 230s are notorious smokers.  I think it has something to do with the bore being smaller than the stroke, which is another thing unique to these quads.  Manufacturers usually make the piston bigger so they can fit more valves in the head, but suzuki decided to go the other way and make a torque monster.  Anyway, my theory is the piston wobbles around in the bore a bit more because of the long stroke, so I try to keep it as cool as I can to avoid further problems.

    The 230 is 66mm bore x 67mm stroke and yours is 66mm x 76mm which is crazy!  No other machine is like that.  The Can-am 1000 is 91mm x 75mm.

  12. A Chinese one is different from the Japanese OEM so maybe it will last.  I mentioned Ricks because it's more or less lifetime guaranteed and they can build anything you want.  You wouldn't have to get the biggest, but I did because I have 2 winches, 7 lights, a fan, and 2 batteries.  Considering what I have put mine through over the last decade I doubt you will ever have a charging issue.

    It's a good machine that is worth whatever investment you want to put into it.  No other quad has all those gears and with super-low it's the most fun you'll ever have at 1 mph lol.  The piston, head, and cam are the same as the 230S sport quad so you could jazz it up fairly easy if you ever wanted.  230 cams are a dime a dozen.

    Just because it's old and free doesn't mean it isn't valuable.  I still recommend a cheap 6 inch fan from ebay because it could save the piston rings.  Zip tie it to the right side and it will blow hot air on your left leg in november ;)

  13. 25 minutes ago, Mech said:

    That diagram you are looking at is not like the suzuki system

    Not tired of being wrong yet?


    Magnetos have permanent magnets so there is no way to stop the magneto from raising voltage with rpms.

    The only thing that can be done is dump the excess to ground.

    29 minutes ago, Mech said:

    I'll leave you too it Randy..

    That's your best move to preserve what credibility you have left.

  14. Time and time again you refuse to state what checks should be performed and that is the pile of evidence demonstrating that you have no idea what to check for.

    I know you want to portray yourself as a mechanical guru, but all you're accomplishing with your incessant stubbornness is showcasing yourself as a wannabe who isn't.  The best thing you can do is just stop.

    1 hour ago, Mech said:

    they don't operate as you claim they do, and just short the excess power to earth.

    Yes they do because that is all that is possible for them to do because, unlike cars, there are no windings with which to change the magnetic field since it's a permanent magnet magneto.

    Magnetos are a class of alternator that uses permanent magnets instead of windings.  The 3 yellow wires coming out will have voltages 120 degrees apart in phase and the voltage of each will rise according to rpm with no way to change that.  So the only way possible to lower the voltage is to dump excess current to ground.  The regulator on my 230S only has one wire and the body is the ground, so the only thing it can do is dump whatever current that comes through that wire to ground and that's how it regulates the voltage.

    You don't notice a load on the engine because at idle the alternator is not producing enough voltage so the regulator isn't doing anything.  But once rpms increase the alternator starts raising the voltage over 14.4 and the regulator will begin dumping excess current to ground to bring the voltage back down to 14.4.  You don't notice the load because the engine is running too fast.

    The regulator also has a rectifier in it and that's where the winch comes in because the rectifier has to be able to convert 3-phase AC to DC and supply the necessary amps for the winch.

    Since you like authority, here:

    "The regulator looks at the DC-voltage across the battery-terminals and short-circuits a certain amount of power that is produced by the stator to ground."  https://www.electrosport.com/pages/technical-resources-how-motorcycle-charging-system-works

    Here is a picture.  You can see the only thing possible is to dump current to ground.


    They go on to say:

    "One of the problems with these systems is the short-circuiting of the excess power itself. This is done by the regulator-rectifier and this part has to dissipate the power that it shorts to ground, meaning it will get very hot. This is mostly because of the regulator and partly by the rectifier-diodes themselves that get hot just because of the current flowing through it. The regulator-rectifier internals need to be built so that the heat is transferred efficiently from the electronical components themselves to the housing of the unit, mostly equipped with cooling-fins. This is the most important bit in designing a regulator-rectifier for use in a permanent-magnet generator-setup."

    1 hour ago, Mech said:

    Why you would want to dissuade someone from doing the tests that suzuki recommends

    First of all, Suzuki doesn't recommend any tests in response to a failed regulator (I have the service manual).  Secondly, you cannot tell anyone what tests should be performed.  So the only thing stopping Bender from performing the tests that you recommend is YOU because you refuse to state such tests (because it's not worth your time, you say).

    Now, you can ascertain the condition of the alternator by measuring the AC voltage out of the alternator at 5000 rpm.  It should be at least 55-60 VAC across any two yellow wires with no load.

    But we already know the alternator is sufficient to burn up a regulator so no test is required.

    1 hour ago, Mech said:

    a little bit of knowledge,

    I may only know a little, but evidently it's more than you.  At least I'm getting people back on the trail.  If not for me, you'd have the poor guy chasing his tail checking valves and carb mixtures still.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Mech said:

    If you can't read, it's not my problem.

    "Why would you be so averse, and try to deter the person we are trying to help, from doing the simple checks for possible contributing factors ?"

    You're still arguing with yourself I see.

    You recommended to check valves, sparkplug, and fuel mixture.  None of those have anything to do with the regulator.  You suggested checking the voltage to determine whether the regulator is bad, but didn't offer it as a cause of the regulator being bad.  You mentioned ground and connections but those also wouldn't destroy a regulator.  And unless you posted something from google ad services again that my browser blocked, I don't see any other checks from you on this thread.

    Over and over you refuse to answer a simple question about what to check for that could affect a regulator.

    The evidence is quickly piling up that you have no idea.

  16. Name something that could cause a regulator to fail.  Until you do that no one has any idea what to check for.

    Weak batteries are often the cause of alternator failures in automobiles, but if a weak battery were drawing current in this case then there wouldn't have been a high-voltage condition that caused the CDI not to function since the battery would be functioning as a current sink the same as turning the headlights on or having a properly functioning regulator.  And a weak battery would have been evident long ago.

    But nonetheless my replacement regulator could happily handle anything my alternator could muster so it wouldn't matter if batteries are weak or not.  Therefore there is nothing to check for.  Simply upgrade the regulator and done.

  17. Looks like you don't know of any either.

    The regulator simply dumps current to ground in order to cap the voltage at 14.4.  So the only possible fault, outside of the regulator itself, is having more amps than the regulator can handle.  Having more amps than a regulator can handle is a good thing and not a fault, so the only fault would be the poorly designed or ill-suited regulator.  Fixing the fault requires upgrading the regulator to match the potential of the alternator.

    I don't know why you have trouble believing crappy parts exist.  Industries aren't capable of making bad regulators, carburetors, pharmaceuticals?  That's some remarkable faith you have in corporations.

  18. 1 hour ago, Mech said:

    And so you don't think it's a good idea to check for faults that may have caused the failure ?

    The only faults are those within the regulator.  Considering what I've noticed the alternator to be capable of in terms of winching and recharging the battery over the last decade it's my impression that the regulator is too small which is why I bought the biggest replacement I could find.  Over time the oem couldn't handle the amps anymore and I don't consider a strong alternator to be a fault.

    I'd recommend anyone considering even a casual restoration of these quads to go ahead and replace the regulator just like I would recommend replacing dry-rotted tires.  Dry-rotted tires may work fine for a while but eventually they will let you down.

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