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My 07 Rancher rear end started roaring on me the other day. I took the inspection plug out this afternoon and to my dismay it was dry full of rusty nasty crap. The pinion was loose and the axle seal was pissing out oil when I tried to top it up. I bought it used and usually check stuff over better but I missed that.  Muuuhhh :( Now I gotta take it apart and fix it. Not gonna be expensive, just time consuming. Hopefully the gears aren't too torn up. I cleaned out the nasty crap with some brake-clean and put in some fresh gear oil. Much quieter now just leaks out all the gear oil cause the seals are shot. I'll fill it up with some lucas and limp it along till I feel like fixing it.


Yeah their not to terribly complicated. Nothin but some nuts bolts and a few cotter keys.  I'm pretty sure the gears are O.K. Just a little corroded. I'll post some pictures when I get it torn apart.

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