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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2024 in Posts

  1. Put the battery on a charger to charge it right up.. If it was left for a couple of months without a battery maintainer on it the charge on it could have been very low and a 20 minute charge from the quad's system would not likely bring it to anywhere near a full charge. I just did a search on your battery and the recommended battery for your quad. Your battery is woefully inadequate for that machine. It is rated for 120 cold cranking amps and likely only 9 amp hours reserve. Specs for your quad calls for a battery with 210 CCA and 14 Ah reserve. The little battery in your scrambler might start ok when the battery is full charged and in warm weather , but in the cold it is not likely going to do well even if fully charged.
    1 point
  2. It’s not my video, that’s news in Australia I believe. So somewhere else in the world…. I think it’s right on point, everything the commentators said. Not misleading at all. Go ahead and bury your head in the sand about a Biden..it’s happening. He’s old and declining too much to be a commander in chief. Everyone knows it, just as the sky is blue.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. There’s a war starting right now in the Middle East and it’s on Biden’s watch. Ukraine has been going on for two years and we are fighting Russia with our military support. There were no wars like this during Trumps first term. Funny how Putin invaded Crimea during Obama and Kiev/Ukraine during Biden…
    1 point
  5. I’m confused, did we have Ukraine, Israel, Houthis/Iran, and the Mexican border crisis during the Trump presidency? The American president taking a conciliatory approach affects the whole world and makes us weak. That’s why this is all happening. It looks to me like Biden is more concerned about his resting and story time. The guy has aged so much that it’s hard to watch his mannerisms and fumbles. World leaders see this as well and take advantage of the presidential term by who’s in it.
    1 point
  6. I don’t like bullies either but you need strength at the helm of the US presidency. Biden is very weak looking, to everyone. He’s frail, forgetful, and sad to watch. It’s just too hard to present him as competent. Everyone sees it, even his own party. No matter how you slice it, there is no arguing that Trump’s policies were better for the country, border, business (small and large) and most American wallets. I think a good portion of the country will vote on the border and economy. The border is a huge issue. The price of groceries is a huge issue. Price of living has gone up year over year. The Biden presidency has only raised the cost to live, allowed for more conflict in the world, and allowed for millions to come into the country undocumented. These are lasting effects on generations to come. It’s really a shame. They just focus on the wrong things. Biden needs to do something fast around the border and the cost of living, if he hopes to get re-elected.
    1 point
  7. No that would be the Democratic supports who thinks crazy Joe is doing a wonderful job while running this country into the ground....
    1 point
  8. Trump has done more good for America than all the previous presidents since Ronald Regan. The Democratic party is a complete disgrace and embarrassment to America....
    1 point
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