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Posts posted by wheeler0801

  1. great ideas TB :) I dig the decals....they'll add some nice flair to it. If you don't use the headlights much, are you going to keep them on all the time? we have my headlights, but cause of racing and stuff they're sittin in the parts box...wehn i wanna night right or something we hook em up and zip tie them under the front of my plastic to the frame and bumper and whatever else just for the night...just a thought, might save ya some money too...

    ebay really is goin to be a great tool for you to save some money...be sure to type in trx400ex along with 400ex....sometimes you can find some extra awesome deals by including the trx as one word....

  2. never had a bell helmet...i just got nick the 661 helmet for christmas, he loves it...however...if i hadddd to pick a bell...I'd pick:


    i love the graphics on it...but i also like the black matte one too....especially if you spruce it up :) make it ya own.....that's what I've done with mine. I wanted a black matte one so i could put the sponsor stickers and stuff on it and it wouldnt look stupid with the graphics that were on the helmet itself...

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