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Posts posted by hvy_chevy_one

  1. Hey guys, havent been on here in quite some time, between work and everything else i havent had time to do anything. I sold the 400EX(wish i never did) and just bought a 1986 trx-350 for $150, guy said it had no spark, but i just bypassed the kill switch and it runs just fine. Its a beast for an old smaller ATV. Hopefully ill be on here more often, since i have some questions an this trx.


  2. haha thats about the same with me, this last friday n yesterday i went to visit the parents. They have about a mile long oval track in their field, i was having fun raising hell out there drifting around the corners at about 20-30mph, you know just having fun. Then yester i came around one corner and not sure what happened, it went compleatly sideways and rolled, threw me about 10ft from the quad and it threw my helmet and glasses off and knocked the breath rite out of me for a bit haha..i must say my right arm and back sure are sore, good think was no open wounds or broken bones.. It was fun!

  3. I repair heavy aerial and underground equipment like cable placers, digger derricks, Champion rodders plus other crap for utility companies (Verizon, Con Edison etc.) and it leaves me no time for anything

    I am the president, CEO, lawyer, accountant, gopher, mechanic, welder, truck driver, engineer and laborer

    WOW. Sounds like you might have your hands full just a lil bit there lol..I know how it is to not have time for anything, been workin 105HR weeks, doesnt leave much time for family or anything else

  4. I'm not proud to say I am drawing disablity after hurting my back and all the pain managment treatments were tried I went under the knife Now I have a 3 level fusion L4 L5 & S1 and now suffer from a disc in my neck that caues my hands & arms to go numb. + that carpeltunnel crap. So I try to enjoy my quad while I can & some times I don't get to ride. By the way anybody use a twist throttle. I think it would be better for my hand. I had worked at Goodyear as an aligment tech. till the shop closed then went to a textile co. & got hurt there.

    wow man thats no good at all.. Sorry to hear about that.Hopefully it gets better soon

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