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Everything posted by JustRandy

  1. On the subject of Jacinda's decent into authoritarianism to keep people safe, I present: New Zealand's School Without Rules Kind of an odd mix to have a school with no rules in a totalitarian country lol And yeah it's totalitarian because the gov can remove any liberty it wants and there is nothing the citizens could do about it. Luckily they don't, but they could.
  2. I wonder why that is not evident in my data. If they didn't pay the tax, then it would show in my data. The way I understand it, companies got money from the gov for R&D and whatnot. People against socialism should realize that practically every product in existence came from government money one way or another. The gov pays for the development of things, then hands it to a small group to make big profits. That profit should be returned to the people. They were probably making that up.
  3. Ah, I see. So is it 11%? And is the 8% paid by employee and 3% paid by employer correct? If so, is it voluntary for the employer? I wish it were that way here because people with property (ie farmers) are not keen on paying for schools when their kids are grown. And usually the people with kids also do not own property. So the result is that school funding is voted down. Are you sure that making a donation of a few million isn't proof of good character? New Zealand gave Peter Thiel citizenship after he spent just 12 days there https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/29/new-zealand-gave-peter-thiel-citizenship-after-spending-just-12-days-there Minister defends approving PayPal co-founder’s application, saying he has been ‘a great ambassador for New Zealand’ The billionaire entrepreneur who is a close adviser to Donald Trump, was granted New Zealand citizenship in June 2011, after taking four brief trips to the country. He made it clear he had no immediate plans to settle in the country. Well, it's supposed to be for nuclear war or similar global catastrophe. New Zealand is the best place to be during that. Well yeah but NZ has the problems while also claiming to have the solutions (free heathcare, welfare, etc). I'm just saying that maybe NZ isn't as social as you think and to be aware of it. I'm not being critical, I'm trying to be helpful It's kinda that way here. The electoral college elects our president. And as a result of the recent fraud I've learned quite a bit about the intention of the constitution and founders which is to have the state legislators elect a president while using the popular vote as a guide of how to vote. So for instance if they think the people really voted for Trump, then they should vote for Trump in order to make the people happy and themselves get reelected. What the vote really is doesn't matter; all that matters is what the legislators "think" it is. That terrifies me. Mama Bears are terrifying. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is where I resonate with Trump and those on the right. It's not the gov's job to make us safe; it's the gov's job to secure our liberty; it's our job to keep ourselves safe. That terrifies me more lol. Sheeple. You have so many sheep over there that you merged with them lol I don't have a problem with that, but you can't even have a semi-auto .22 varmint rifle. All you can have is bolt action and no clue how many hoops you have to jump through to even have that. I don't think they take him seriously. Is rocketman even alive anymore? Those things (peace, trade, health) can be fixed quite easily. If you were in the middle east you'd be very concerned about a Biden presidency. Luckily NZ is not sitting on something we want (like huge reserves of oil), so you have the luxury to cheer Biden and his military complex on. I think he has reduced our risk of war and had no effect on the virus. I don't think anyone can have any effect on the virus. GA and OH have similar populations and while GA took a hand's off approach, OH went all authoritarian locking people down and mandating masks. All OH accomplished was delaying the cases and deaths. No one has done more to hurt Americans and Foreigners than Biden. He should be put on trial, not made president. I don't think Trump made America better. He raised my sales taxes for life that cannot ever be changed. He deregulated food inspections and made a mess of the USDA website by appointing that dimwit Sonny Perdue. He appointed all the wrong people to everything and just generally had no clue what he was doing. But, most of the damage is already done and I think he's learning from his mistakes and wouldn't have been as bad in the 2nd term. I like how he pointed out the fake news and government corruption. I'm not really a flaming Trumper, but when presented with the choice of a guy who exists specifically to oppose social healthcare to protect the rich vs a bumbling moron, I'd rather keep the moron, especially one that appears to be learning from mistakes. Trump is embracing $2000 checks which is not a republican position. Trump is slowly becoming more like Bernie and Trump has the power to force republicans to play along. Ok there's some homework for you tonight lol
  4. I'm sure I could get it, it's just a lot of work. It took me a week of solid working to do the US because it was downloading PDF files from the IRS which were scanned from old documents. It was grueling. I don't think I care that much to know to go through all that work again. And if I did do it, I couldn't stop with New Zealand... I'd have to do Canada and Denmark too. The reason I did it was Peter Schiff saying the rich didn't pay those high rates in the 1950s because of deductions and loopholes, so I went to the IRS and found they did pay it.
  5. Yeah pretty much. The RNC picks their representative and the DNC picks their representative and then the people picks one of them. Every time a 3rd party gets support it just sways support to their worst enemy. In 1992 Perot cost Bush the election and gave us Clinton. Perot voters would have voted for Bush if not for Perot. In 2000 Nader cost Gore the election and gave us Bush Jr. Nader voters would have voted for Gore if not for Nader. And in the early 1900s Teddy Roosevelt got mad at Taft so he formed the Bull Moose Party which split the republican vote and gave us Wilson. 3rd parties never work, so we pick the lesser of 2 evils.
  6. Yes but I can't do that because I have no access to such precise data in other countries. And I think comparing the top rates is still indicative of what the rich pay because the assumption is that they avoid taxes equally across the 3 countries. US - 37% individual top rate, 21% corporate, 0% sales tax, 15.3% social security of which employer pays half. Canada - 33% individual top rate, 26.5% corporate, 5% sales tax, 14% social security of which employer pays over half. Do you really think there is a significant difference in what the rich pay in those 2 countries? I've already done the research for the US:
  7. I don't support him. Biden is far worse and to be against Biden is to appear like I'm supporting Trump.
  8. Me? Nothing. You were holding NZ up as a model to mimic and I'm challenging that notion. That's all. I was watching that video again and they were describing quite a bit of poverty and a housing shortage while many homes are empty because they're owned by the rich who never spend time there. In the video they said it took 12 years for their friends to get citizenship and didn't think it's fair that Peter Thiel could buy his way in. If billionaires can buy citizenship then NZ is for sale and corrupt. I'd be concerned about that. Anyway it's getting late on this side of the pond so I'll check in tomorrow. I don't mean to sound like I have something against NZ. Yep, I reckon that too
  9. All good points but I was just trying to compare the 3 countries in terms of burdens on the rich vs the poor. Do you know of a better way of doing that than to quote the top rate for income taxes and compare to the sales taxes?
  10. That is true anywhere, but the point is to show the tax on the rich and compare it to the tax on the poor across different countries. Then what is this? https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/social-security-rate The Kiwisaver Rate in New Zealand stands at 11 percent. source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department That's sales tax. Europe calls it a VAT tax. It's a tax on the poor. If someone has zero income, they pay no tax on income, but they still pay sales tax. Same in the US. Schools are funded through property taxes until retirement when the school tax is waived. Hmm.. maybe because of suicide? “Horrendous” increase in New Zealand suicide rates https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/09/09/nzsu-s09.html Yeah but NZ is not very diverse. "As at the 2018 census, the majority of New Zealand's population is of European descent (70 percent), with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority (16.5 percent), followed by Asians (15.3 percent), and non-Māori Pacific Islanders (9.0 percent)." Same in the US. Nothing really. I just didn't care for the way kiwis dutifully handed in their rifles in response to one shooting and based on others I've talked to who live there, there is quite a bit of poverty. You brought up the taxes funding healthcare and I was just pointing out that the tax situation is not too different across the 3 countries, so the US doesn't have free healthcare for reasons other than taxes. And NZ taxes the poor too heavy in my opinion. Well yeah, you are. NZ is where billionaires have their bunkers. I watched a documentary on it and discovered it takes 10 years to become a citizen unless you're a billionaire. The NZ gov doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the bunkers. 04:43 so people are upset that Peter Thiel got 04:46 a citizenship in 12 days, do you think 04:48 it's fair that people like him should be 04:50 able to buy their citizenship in New 04:52 Zealand?
  11. US - 37% individual top rate, 21% corporate, 0% sales tax, 15.3% social security of which employer pays half. Canada - 33% individual top rate, 26.5% corporate, 5% sales tax, 14% social security of which employer pays over half. New Zealand - 33% individual top rate, 28% corporate, 15% sales tax, employee pays 8% and employers pays 3% social security tax. https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/personal-income-tax-rate New Zealand taxes the poor more than US and Canada. It takes a decade to become a NZ citizen, but billionaires are instant. Kiwis should wise up. I don't think any US state has more than a 10% sales tax and it's usually only in states with zero income tax.
  12. So what's the solution? First of all, it's not Trump breeding it... he is exposing the corrupt government and now we have the rebels and the loyalists once again. Trump is a symptom, not a cause, and now after the shenanigans he is martyr which is the worst outcome. Chris Hedges put it: "Biden is a shallow political hack devoid of fixed beliefs or intellectual or moral depth, he is an expression of the nostalgia of a ruling class that yearns to return to the pantomime of democracy. The ruling elites want to restore the decorum and civic religion that makes the presidency a form of monarchy and sacralizes the organs of state power. Trump's vulgarity and ineptitude are an embarrassment to the architects of empire." There you have it. Once again we have those loyal to the crown against those rebelling. We want a government representative of the people, not an aristocracy shoving their idealisms down our throats. "Biden is responsible for far more suffering and death at home and abroad than Trump and, if we had a functioning judicial and legislative system, Biden along with the other architects of our disastrous imperial wars, corporate plundering of the country, and betrayal of the american working class would be put on trial, not offered up as a solution to our political and economic debacle." Two elections were rigged to get that guy in power. I doubt the American people are simply going to agree to disagree so we can all get along.
  13. Trump is a symptom. If not for corruption and fake news then Trump would not have been appealing. So, the way to get to someone like Trump is to elect people like Obama or Biden.
  14. You say Jimmy Dore is nothing but lies. I say show me one lie. You say nothing. I point out large blocks of 100% Biden votes and ask for a rational explanation. You challenge the validity of the data. I confirm data is genuine, so you stick your head in the sand. I don't know what you hope to accomplish with your drive-by claims. Trump is too much of a clown to be Hitler, but continuing with the same policies that gave us Trump is going to give us a worse Trump: "Ocasio-Cortez suggests a Bloomberg presidency would pave the way for 'a worse Trump'" "Obviously, we have to beat Trump, but if we beat Trump and go back to the same policies that we had before, a worse Trump is going to come. A Trump that’s more sophisticated, whose fascism is less obvious, is going to come, and things could get even worse," Ocasio-Cortez "I want to add that it's not a solution because a continuation of the kinds of policies the Democratic Party has (after Clinton sold out to corporate power) has imposed on the American people is inevitably, and I think history bears this out, going to result in a fascist with brains: a competent fascist." Chris Hedges It's better to keep the Trump we have than to trade-up for a worse one. But you can only seem to focus on the most immediate gratification of removing Trump and who cares about the future.
  15. In this video at 33:14 the owner of a security firm hired to investigate the 2018 election shows how 560 votes were flipped from Bevin (R) to Beshear (D) live on CNN. Then I find this video that shows 20,000 votes flipped from Trump to Biden. Biden wasn't joking when he said he didn't need people's votes to get elected
  16. Trump will probably win and then the businesses will be destroyed whether they have boards or not lol. Either courts will toss out enough votes or the states will not certify results in time, so the election will be in the House where each state gets one vote so Trump wins.
  17. No, the link was from YouGov polling, not The Economist. You are seeing things that do not exist. Here is Detroit Free Press (ie Maintstream) attempting to refute the allegation, but all they did was change the time interval from continuous to hourly. You can see that Biden DID receive lots of votes from 5-6am and Trump did receive some votes too, but that doesn't mean that the votes were not in a big block 100% for Biden and then some Trump votes trickled in later in the hour as well. Changing the time interval from continuous to hourly does not refute the claim. Those 2 charts are perfectly consistent. The only difference is the time interval. So the votes did happen and they were 100% for Biden and you need to give me an explanation why or provide evidence that the data from 538 is wrong.
  18. What are you talking about? The data is from 538. Good grief you can't refute the claim so you pretend it doesn't exist. YOU are in a cult.
  19. How do you get 100,000 votes all for Biden from a county that voted 68% Biden 30% Trump? Trump should at least get 1 vote. YouGov poll of 1500 voters said 25% of conservatives were planning to vote by mail. Page 29 https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/1qb5j6pdqd/econTabReport.pdf Feel free to provide a convincing explanation.
  20. The only tine I heard of Fitzhugh was in this video: Chomsky says Fitzhugh argued for slavery by saying masters owned their slaves as opposed to the capitalists who just rented them, so the slave owners would take better care of their own property than the capitalists who rented theirs.
  21. Vaccine could be water and it would still cure the plandemic because the pcr test can be tuned to show it worked. Mail-in votes shouldn't be legal because it's too easy to cheat. People should be made to vote in person or supply a good reason for an absentee ballot as it has always been until the plandemic. If you notice in states like OH, the mail-in vote was counted early and the election started with Biden in the lead then Trump caught up, but in MI which is just north of OH, the mail-in vote wasn't counted until the end so Trump started in the lead then enough votes were found for Biden. You probably ought to stock up on tissue because I believe Trump is going to win in the courts. The evidence for fraud is so overwhelming that there is no way he can't. Even the betting markets are pricing it in.
  22. You expect me to believe a batch of 100,000+ votes for Biden and zero votes for anyone else suddenly appear at 6 am from a county with 68% for Biden and 31% for Trump? And it ONLY happens in WI and MI, the 2 crucial swing states? Same in the primaries. Bernie had huge crowds and Biden couldn't fill a minivan. Guess who won. Trump had huge crowds while Biden couldn't fill a minivan. Guess who won. See a pattern? DNC admitted in court to rigging the 2016 primary and they almost certainly did it again in 2020 and the general.
  23. Here's a woman filling out ballots. She seems to be cruising along at about 100 ballots per hour.
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