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Everything posted by JustRandy

  1. Fox news is not mainstream? Or is mainstream only defined as "against Trump"? No clue. My guess, based on evidence, is the Dems far outweigh GOP in fraud. Any evidence or rationale for that conjecture? Or are you saying that because you'd like it to be true? I don't consider myself member of either party and generally think GOP are dumber than Dems, but I don't think they are as crazy and therefore not as likely to commit fraud. Plus they are religious. I'd suspect someone displaying jesus in a jar of urine of fraud before considering someone going to church every sunday, but I could be wrong. The Dems lack any moral foundation because "anything goes" with them. GOP tends to have values they adhere to, which aggravates the Dems and is pretty much the reason for their existence. Without conservatism, there would be no tyranny to be free from.
  2. "Von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow and manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation, said voter fraud is prevalent enough that it could make the difference in a close election. The Heritage Foundation, he said, has recorded 430 cases of voter fraud -- proven cases where someone was convicted or a judge ordered a new election. A former FEC commissioner and counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the U.S. Justice Department, von Spakovsky said California is of particular concern because of the rising number of noncitizens illegally registering and voting in elections, as well as the “terrible shape” the voter registration rolls are in." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/03/voter-fraud-california-man-finds-dozens-ballots-stacked-outside-home.html Apparently it can be done. Anyway, fraud, if it exists, would be on the democrats' part for sure. One look at the protests will tell you that these people would do anything to get their way. This guy goes undercover in drag to interview them and found they don't even know what they're protesting about. They just need someone to hate.
  3. Trump To Launch "Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud" http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/trump-launch-major-investigation-voter-fraud One commenter said " Smart. If sufficient evidence captured, it will legitimize his mandate and blow the Dems from the political scene " I agree.
  4. I've not found any information to lead me to otherwise opinion. Molyneux received a B.A. in History from McGill University in 1991 and an M.A. in History from University of Toronto in 1993. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Molyneux FWD to 2:17:00 if you don't want to listen to all of it. He makes the claim that the increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline. A similar situation was observed in the Arab empire. It may have nothing to do with feminism per se, but that as empires become more successful, they get more liberal in general and that leads to their fall.
  5. Grandpa is 4 months older than Carter and looks about the same, but not quite as healthy. He just got out of surgery today and still waiting to hear from the dr. "He's not my president" is one giant ad hominem attack instead of protesting one specific issue they object to. It's depressing seeing such little intellectual development, but certainly emotional, in light of all the technological progress we've made. I hope Trump can clean up the mess with his newfound "dictatorial powers." I'm referencing this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-24/trump-bans-epa-employees-using-social-media-bars-new-contracts Because, if there is any truth to this https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/feminism-responsible-for-the-fall-of-rome/ Then I think a dictator is the only thing that can stop the inevitable because the majority of voters are completely looney.
  6. I was surprised to see Jimmy Carter. He's gotta be the oldest one there! http://time.com/4639799/jimmy-carter-beat-cancer-donald-trump-inauguration/
  7. I did search. I read: During his time in London, Litvinenko wrote two books, Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within and Lubyanka Criminal Group, wherein he accused the Russian secret services of staging the Russian apartment bombings and other terrorism acts in an effort to bring Vladimir Putin to power. He also accused Putin of ordering the murder in October 2006 of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. So I figured it's about censorship. The assassination of Anna Politkovskaya (born 1958), a Russian journalist, writer and human rights activist, took place on 7 October 2006. She was known for her opposition to the Chechen conflict and for criticism of Vladimir Putin.[1][2] She authored several books about the Chechen wars, as well as Putin's Russia, and received numerous international awards for her work. Her murder, believed to be a contract killing, sparked a strong international reaction. The US does things like that too. Some accuse the CIA of killing Kennedy and are currently worried about Trump's safety. All the stories I've read about people being "suicided" in the US over the last year bear little distinction from what Putin is being accused of. We just don't know the whole story. Putin is far from Stalin, I think. We also can't tell if Putin did the killing or if someone else did to set Putin up. These things are rabbit holes. Anyway, I think when Stephan Colbert pokes fun at Trump for taking orders from Putin, it's sensationalized. He's not really taking orders and Putin isn't a big threat, but "Russia" is an emotionally-charged word hearkening from the coldwar period you mentioned in an effort to stigmatize people no different than calling folks "socialists" as a way to rally the mob against someone. Now if he were friendly with Kim Jong Un, that would be a different story.
  8. Censorship is the one thing you may have against Putin. In 2013, Russia enacted laws banning "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" Putin also defends Russia's controversial gay "propaganda" law. "I don't see anything un-democratic in this legal act," Putin tells 60 Minutes. "I believe we should leave kids in peace. We should give them a chance to grow, help them to realize who they are and decide for themselves. Do they consider themselves a man or a woman? A female? A male? Do they want to live in a normal, natural marriage or a non-traditional one? That's the only thing I wanted to talk about. I don't see here any infringement on the rights of gay people." http://www.cbsnews.com/news/putin-talks-gay-rights-on-60-minutes/ Grandpa fought in WWII and worked half a century to earn the right to sit in his chair and be compelled to watch to men smooching. It just isn't right. Gays can be gay, just stay out of grandpa's living room. I think that is what Putin is trying to do, but the media wants to paint a picture of how common homosexuality is so it will be more accepted. It's propaganda and some feel it is helping to destroy the family, which I think Putin agrees. It doesn't make Putin a bad man.
  9. I think you're pretty close to hitting the nail on the head there. https://www.quantcast.com/zerohedge.com#demographicsCard https://www.quantcast.com/salon.com#demographicsCard https://www.quantcast.com/politico.com?country=US#demographicsCard https://www.quantcast.com/nydailynews.com?country=US#demographicsCard All overwhelmingly male and of the baby boomer generation. What can explain that?
  10. What's the difference in friends going hunting and trusting each other with guns and friends trusting each other with nukes? Does Putin seem so bad to you? The people have been divided for a long time, but this time they had a lot invested in the election. Male vs female, right vs left, businessman vs politician, nationalism vs globalism,,, it was all on the line this time. Trump is even the first real threat to abortion since Roe v Wade. It's like Boom, one swoop and everything changed. So, the people haven't changed... it's was the extreme polarization of the candidates this time. What seems strange to me is this sort of thing is in the air. Brexit then Trump. Who's next? I've noticed wherever I go (news sites, financial sites, youtube, atvs, bikes, whatever) it seems to be dominated by conservatives. How is it that more people voted for Hillary when I rarely see a Hillary supporter? Do liberals not get online? Where are they? That's people in general. No one wants to be wrong once they've made their mind up about something. When I read news, I check the comments. Sometimes I skip the article and just read the comments. The comments are what validates the truthfulness of the news.
  11. I wouldn't say they are all unfounded. A lot of people don't like her because she's a Clinton. You have to figure Baby Boomers were in their prime with Bill and he made Rush Limbaugh popular. A lot of people are unhappy with career-politicians and none more epitomizes that than a Clinton. Putin will have leverage on Trump? What would Putin make Trump do? With friendship comes leverage. If you and I decide to go fishing, there's no doubt I could influence where we fish. But so what? If we're friends, all we really wanna do is fish and have fun. How many guys sit in boats together and manage not to throw the other guy overboard? I guess I'm saying I don't understand that the big deal is. Yeah, he's a narcissist. A little more than most presidents. I don't know much about the lawsuits. I'm sure he will step on toes. He's not going to use nukes. He's a narcissist, remember? How's he going to look good with the world in ashes? He's going to do the thing that he thinks will make him look like the best president ever. I have no idea. I was just being funny. Search for voter fraud and it's all jokes at the democrat's expense.
  12. What's the ramifications of the russia thing? I kinda think Trump would have lost if it had been anybody but Hillary.
  13. Are we sure they counted all the deceased votes? Just because someone dies is no reason to lose their right to vote.
  14. Lucky for everyone but cnn Stephen Colbert is making a big splash as well In one of his videos he sincerely thanked Trump for the easy material. It's gonna be YUGE! Bigly style!
  15. Yeah, we shouldn't miss such a golden opportunity for a steady-stream of comedy by the whiz himself
  16. JustRandy


  17. I'm not sure the majority have spoken. The popular vote looks like 47% for Trump and 48% for Clinton (about 200k difference). Plus, probably lots of minorities couldn't find the motivation to vote or weren't allowed to vote. There are more registered Dems than republicans. I think the Trump supporters were more determined to vote than Hillary supporters.
  18. What do you think will happen? I think Yellen at the fed will figure it's a good time to crash the economy by raising rates, since she won't have to worry about making Hillary look good anymore. It could go down like with Hoover in 1929... the fed raised rates and crashed the market while Hoover instituted tariffs that sent trade down and then raised taxes to pay down the debt. It was a complete disaster. When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression in the United Stateswith large-scale government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam, and calls on industry to keep wages high. He reluctantly approved the Smoot–Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade spiralling down. He believed it was essential to balance the budget despite falling tax revenue, so he raised the tax rates. The economy kept falling and unemployment rates rose to about 25%. This downward spiral, plus his support for prohibition policies that had lost favor, set the stage for Hoover's overwhelming defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover You could be right, but I'm still glad Trump won.
  19. Yup, a year ago I was sure he would stick his foot in his mouth, sooner or later, and get booted from the race. He's defied all the odds so far.
  20. I was certain Hillary would become president maybe as far back as 2 years ago. It was the only thing that made sense given the momentum of the feminist-thing. Women are more educated and more likely to work now than ever (while raising kids even), while men are tending towards playing videos games in a state of apathy. A woman president, especially after a black one, makes too much sense. I'd prefer it were a different woman, but a Clinton was their best shot for getting any woman elected for the first time ever. The Republicans should have picked Ann Coulter, but they needed a man for balance. 50% of the pop are women + those guys who want to vote female to be progressive. The other men are likely too lazy to vote, while the women are extremely motivated to assert their equality to men. I can't imagine how Hillary could lose, especially with the FBI, CNN, MSNBC, and all MSM, and all of wall street on her side (plus Soros). Her losing would be worse than Brexit. With Brexit, all the polling showed "remain" to win. All the bookies had "remain" to win. Everyone thought "remain" would win, and look at the fallout after the surprise. Even as polls were reporting, at first, they all showed "remain" winning. "Leave" came up from behind at the very end. I watched it happen and it was almost like someone planned it to be that way to set everyone up in currency and futures trading.
  21. I think you are because you haven't cited any evidence or reasons, just mud-slinging and fist-waving it seems like. What about the child sex trafficking? Can we dismiss that? Ignore that? Deny that? Stick our head in the sand? http://www.usapoliticstoday.com/breaking-wikileaks-just-dropped-nuke-hillary-see-potential-clinton-foundation-sex-trafficking-ring/ Got anything to go on other than just making a statement that I will not like Trump? Can you explain in what way I won't like him? That is what I mean by "emotional". I'm aware that prices will rise due to the tariffs. I won't like that, but I'd prefer it to Hillary I think. Politicians and diapers must be changed often and for the same reason - Mark Twain. The founding fathers never intended people to make a career out of politics. Too much like an aristocracy that they fled from. I hope she don't make any changes. She has no respect from Russia. On another forum I'm arguing about minimum wage with a Canadian who supports Trump lol. Yes, he does remind me of Hoover with the tariffs and other things. It's not that I like Trump so much, but that I can't stand Hillary. I probably would have supported Bernie over Trump. I can't ethically support a Clinton.
  22. I would really love to "like" many of your posts here, but I don't understand how you came to this opinion of Trump. If we can have an actor as president, surely we can have a successful businessman as president. And being a sexual deviant didn't hamper Bill Clinton in his presidential duties. The founding fathers never intended there to be "career politicians". The idea was that you'd serve in government for a while then go back to your real job and life. The idea of a life-long politician is too much like an aristocracy... and they just fled from that. So, Hillary having experience can be a bad thing. You say a lot of sensible stuff, but then get emotional about Trump. I guess I would "like" it more if you didn't So, what is the "ain't seen nothin yet" scenario you're envisioning? He reminds me of Hoover with the talk of tariffs right at the top of a stock market bubble: When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression in the United Stateswith large-scale government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam, and calls on industry to keep wages high. He reluctantly approved the Smoot–Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade spiralling down. He believed it was essential to balance the budget despite falling tax revenue, so he raised the tax rates. The economy kept falling and unemployment rates rose to about 25%. This downward spiral, plus his support for prohibition policies that had lost favor, set the stage for Hoover's overwhelming defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover Lots of familiar talk comparing with Trump. What do you see?
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