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TRX450R- clutch issue or me or something??


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I Hey guys, I just picked up a TRX450R in a trade.  I think it has a bad clutch, but my experience with a  Manual clutch on a quad is very limited...  Don't get me wrong, I can drive a manual car and have rode dirt bikes in the past... It's been a good minute on a dirt bike though.


If I give it some throttle and slowly let out the clutch it seems to catch hard and stall out.  Even with a decent amount of throttle.


Any ideas? Could it be adjustment on the clutch in not the clutch itself?


I plan to upload a link to video when I can. I'm not sure how permissions go on this forum and I may need approval 1st...

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How far out does the clutch have to be released before it makes any change or stall? 

Usually a worn out clutch will show by releasing the clutch out about 3/4 way before it starts to grab and is just sloppy over all.

Making the engine stall out and the bike not even trying to move makes me think something is broken off inside the clutch or a spring issue.    Order a gasket in the mean time and take the side cover off the engine and take a look. Post some pics as well and we will see if anything stands out.  Gasket kit on eBay or amazon

As far as permission to down load manuals you need 10 active posts in the forum but I can pull a page for you on the manual if need be to get you started on the clutch.  It’s actially easy to get to the 10 posts just on the amount of interesting stuff here people comment on etc.  

btw how does it feel to be back at it with a bike ? Be careful!! I gave this up long ago right before I got married and got back into it a few years back once my kids were old enough to ride and it’s been a blast.  It’s addicting.  

What did you trade for the bike ? 

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