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Picked up this old 2000 polaris sportsman 500 and the speedometer is dead .Tried the bypass to get the awd drive to work but no luck.I grounded the 2 brown wires going to the hubs .Didn't work.The AWD light does not come on and there is no power on the grey wires going to the hubs .I even tried connecting the 2 brown wires at the speedometer plug in .There is 12 volts on the red with white stripe connected to brown at the speedometer plug in .Does the speedometer need to be plugged back in for this to work.Could it be the switch or a burned AWD bulb ?


Yes i know how they work.If the speedometer on these does not work the 4wd will not work.Speedometers are $400 so most people do bypass to get the AWD working Known issue with the Sportsman 500


Ok. I thought you had powered the hubs directly expecting the hubs to engage... and were wondering why they didn't. 

I don't know much about polaris.. except their wiring diagrams are horrible ! hAha.. Good luck with it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Did you still need help with your hubs?  I helped my neighbor with his Sportsman last year, turned out the wire going to one of the hubs was snagged and broken, fixed it, refilled the hubs with oil and all good.  I just checked each hub coil with an ohmmeter to make sure they were both good, and then drove it into a snowbank to make sure the front wheels broke traction.

Yes, in case you don't know, when the hub coils are energized, the wheels still freewheel until you actually drive the machine under power, then the sprag clutches engage.  Also, I think it's stupid the way Polaris makes you hold the "Reverse Override" button to get 4x4 in reverse, I mean if I want 4x4 I want 4x4, period.  I get stuck in reverse more often than forward, especially with a plow.

Yes, I spent some time looking over the (awful) wiring diagram.  I'm sure you have your wiring diagram from the owner's manual (important)?  If I recall correctly, you can simply apply 12v directly to the AWD switch, then you have true 4x4 on and off, period. No speedo, no override, just a nice simple ON and OFF switch (isn't that shocking these days? what no computer!!?.......:o)

I still have the diagram can double check for you or send it if needed.

Let me know if I can further assist.


Edited by bellarmine
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