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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2018 in Posts

  1. Check out the top link, Peoria AZ, bottom link for state - it gives some great locations for rides and should hopefully give you a start. https://www.riderplanet-usa.com/atv/trails/info/arizona_06482/ride_9984.htm http://www.riderplanet-usa.com/
    1 point
  2. Troubleshooting is a special talent. Most ATV engines are basically the same except for some minor differences. The service manuals are great for torque specs and disassembly/assembly procedures. You do however need to have some mechanical inclination know your noises and the difference between a mechanical and electrical issue. I've seen some of the worst messes caused by guys who are great at taking stuff apart but can't put it back together or just throw parts at stuff based on what they read on a forum.
    1 point
  3. Hell the Wish app has the most atv stuff... CHEAP TOO!
    1 point
  4. Just contact your local dealer they will be able to get parts for it, and troubleshoot the problems.
    1 point
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