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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2019 in Posts

  1. It could be an electrical issue, the display itself of I've read that a no display scenario could be from a gear shift sensor/switch.
    1 point
  2. Yes I got the year code, its a 1989 its just weird they are saying problem with the 9th digit where you really cant confuse that number with any other. No couldn't get the carb off that way but finally tore it all apart and got the carb off that way. Needed cleaning anyway. I always tear them down wearing gloves and with a can of raid. Everyone I have taken apart have had pissed off black widows living in them. The same on this one. Got one under the gas tank! Anyway took the carb apart and didn't see anything in it to make it flood. Float looks good, not full of gas. Needle is good no ring and nothing under the needle that I could see. Gonna clean it up and see if it still floods. if it does ill get a carb kit. Az
    1 point
  3. Cleaned up pretty nice, tires good, the more I check the more I like it. Oil is clean, air filter new. plug is rich fouled but new and they said gas was leaking out of the carb so hopefully something under the needle. Getting the carb off is going to be a pain. cant get to the cables under the tank without pulling off the tank, in order to pull off the tank you have to pull off the front fenders and to pull them off you have to pull off the handle bars and all the components attached to the bars, Battery is dead and no good but I think this one will turn out fine. It also included a pull along home made heavy duty trailer. Dam thing probably weighed 500 lbs. kinda cool as it has airplane tires on it. Not bad for 350.00 Well it gives me something to do and keeps me busy. Az
    1 point
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