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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2019 in Posts

  1. I pull started with the plug out and no more fuel comes out but when I get the new starter in a few days I’ll update thanks for the help
    1 point
  2. I'd recommend hooking up the new starter & cranking it over with the spark plug removed. Good Idea to ground the plug while doing so. Keep pumping it until there's no sign of fuel. Very important: don't let the plug spark anywhere near that fuel getting cleared! Not very likely there's damage to the crank/piston, just don't turn it over without the plug out.
    1 point
  3. Most likely nearly all, if not all of those starter "brands" are actually built by one manufacturer and just sold under the company names. You'd be amazed if you found out how many Ford , GM and Chrysler are shared with one another and Japanese or Korean makes; especially in accessory parts like starters , alternators and other electronics . Many driveline parts are also shared. I'd go with the least expensive starter offered.
    1 point
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