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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2024 in Posts

  1. I'd wriggle all the wires as a first step. If it is a chafed insulation and you disturb it and move it so it's not touching anymore it can be the real mongrel thing trying to find it after that and you end up with an ongoing and intermittent problem. If it's a faulty component it will always be faulty.. plenty of time to find that.
    2 points
  2. Ha.. Dust does suck doesn't it. In the old days before aircon and when all the roads around here were metal the dust used to get everywhere. We'd drive to town for the groceries and the dust would come billowing in through holes in the door rubbers if nowhere else and everyone would be white with dust by the time we got anywhere.. haha I'd forgotten about dust..
    1 point
  3. Yeah, the fading light sounds like a dud battery but if bridging the solenoid cranks the bike over then it must not be the case.. In that case it's probably a bad connection somewhere. You could try turning the headlight on to see if that fades as well. Not sure what that would tell us at the moment without looking in the book but it would be a simple check of the battery. I think I'd check the ignition switch as my first check. The recommended thing to do is what's known as a "voltage drop check". In the case of the switch you put a volt gauge across the power wires on the key switch and with the key off it should show 12v, then turn the key on and the voltage should drop to zero as the power goes through the switch instead of the gauge. If it keeps showing a voltage with the key on then there's a bad contact in the switch. Some models have the 12v going through the cdi and then the kill switch on the way to the start button so you should do the voltage drop test across those two parts as well. Switches are a suspect here.. If not a switch, then a bad contact where a terminal connects to a switch or component, or where a wire crimps into the metal terminal on it's end.
    1 point
  4. There are a couple of service manuals in the downloads section:
    1 point
  5. Trump has done more good for America than all the previous presidents since Ronald Regan. The Democratic party is a complete disgrace and embarrassment to America....
    1 point
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