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Everything posted by oxidized_black

  1. hahahahaha, i for warned .... it's cute though .... you gotta admit that .... and it wasn't a dig ....
  2. ok now, i have a funny one but i don't want to hear bad feedback, but it's cute and not meant to offend ... ok people? why do italian guys grow mustaches? ***with italian accent and hand gestures*** because they want to look just like their momma...
  3. i'll tell you tomorrow... that's it... shall i explain? LOL
  4. do you know what bigger women and mopeds have in common? they're both fun to ride until your friends see you
  5. how do you keep a bunch of quad guys in suspense ? i'll tell you tomorrow... LOL
  6. what is the difference between light and hard? you can go to sleep with the light on ...
  7. anyone know the definition of twin lesbians? lick alikes
  8. what's green and slimey and smells like bacon? kermits' finger .... whoa!
  9. 8 tracks were the bomb! better sound than a cassette but always would change tracks in the middle of a good song... hahahaha boy, those were the days huh?
  10. i always used chains... the snow in that part of the country is heavy and wet so i would have a path started so i could take a good run at it before i put the blade down. i was always in 4 too, i don't know how easy it'll be in just 2, but try it ....
  11. is she a tech junkie? you know, little gadgets and gizmos? ipod, i phone? satelite radio with a boom box? i know its tough eh?
  12. yes, i can't agree more with you there hangin' the black rims definately complimented the bike more ...
  13. apparently this was the heaviest haul in north america, or maybe canada ... not sure, but it was a coker for one of the oil companies
  14. theres a difference with work being fun like this ...
  15. thank you loyal british agent 007
  16. thanks wiki-mario i will be able to sleep tonight... LOL
  17. did you hear about the guy who suffered from dyslexia and insomnia? yah, stayed awake at night wondering if there was a dog ....
  18. **NEWS FLASH** corduroy pillow cases making headlines
  19. how would you drown a blonde? throw a mirror in the pool...
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