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Everything posted by oxidized_black

  1. i emailed the two contacts at the site and asked if we could have the text in english... just waiting now for a reply
  2. ok mario, here's another. can be for anyone of your preference, i'll use italian for this one... no, i'll use canadian ... what is a canadians favorite colour? shiny
  3. have you got it all figured out now toolman? how's the progress?
  4. oxidized_black

    LTZ 440

    the color combo really compliments the stance of the bike there. nice ...
  5. thats a good pic CK1999_400ex
  6. chris is the trike guy ... seems totally off balance until he gets on it ....
  7. these trailers are the cats as*... i could get away with one that size for sure
  8. The room was full of pregnant women with their partners. The class was in full swing.. The instructor was teaching the women how to breathe properly and was telling the men how to give the necessary assurance to their partners at this stage of the pregnancy. The female instructor said "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just take several stops and stay on a soft surface like grass or a path." She looked at the men in the room, "and Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together -- It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her." The room suddenly got very quiet as the men absorbed this information. Then a man at the back of the room slowly raised his hand. "Yes?" asked the Instructor. "I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?"
  9. a newphie and edgar allan poe died at the same time and were met by st. peter at the pearly gates. st. peter told them he had good news and bad news. bad news was only one could enter because there was only space for one, but good news was that they could compete to see who got in. st. peter said i want you two to think of a short poem, but the ending must finish with timbuktu. a few minutes went by in order for the two to collect their thoughts and st. peter said to edgar, since you're the famous poet, i will let you go first. edgar started ... 'over across a dessert sky, two camels passing through, looking for a paridise, a place called timbuktu'. wow said st. peter, that was really well done, i think you are in! st. peter turned to the newphie and said, ok, you're turn. the newphie replied, 'a fishin' tim and i went, looking for three girls in a tent, after we got them in the mood, i bucked one, and tim bucked two' ...
  10. aaarrrggghhh, yes it is morning so soon! but, good morning everyone!
  11. did you hear about the paki that bought a pair of odor eaters? took 2 steps then disappeared ...
  12. how do you know when a woman is having an or****? who cares .... LOL
  13. i'll say it.... a real stud won't pull out until the job is completed
  14. awesome riding there! three more creeks just like that .... to where we are going of course ...
  15. nah, decided we needed a chainsaw to make it really good, and it was really cold that day, i'll post the fire we had going at its peak... put this pic in nice and calm like so no one would freak over the flames in the woods....
  16. yah, originally it was a frenchman and a newphie ... but i didn't know if you guys down south would know what a newphie was. newphies are classed as canadas "dumb" guys, but really not so, they just talk fast and furious... good folk. oh, and in the joke, the newphie let the frenchman have the moose... LOL
  17. right on! don't want to rock the boat with no one... dave chappelle has to be the best guy in the world who pokes as much fun at other races, as he does his own... god bless that man!
  18. ok, an american and canadian were out moose hunting, each was on the other side of this big bull moose. both men at the same time squeezed off their round. the big moose dropped and both ran over to claim it. a big arguement started of who's it was. the canadian said, we can settle this pretty easily, lets just kick each other in the groin until the last man is standing, and he can claim it. the american agreed and said the canadian could go first. the canadian booted him and he dropped like a ton of bricks. finally the american was back on his feet and said, i guess it's my turn now. the canadian looked at him with a grin and said, nah take the friggin thing, you can have it.... AHAHAHAHAHA
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