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Hello first time posting here. I have just brought a KVF 300 and the tyres need replacing. i was wondering about the sizes do you have to use the same as what are on it or can you change them a bit. the sixes are 25 x 8 - 12 front  and 25 x 11 - 10

i am having trouble finding the 25 x 11 - 10  could i go to 25 x 10 or 25 x 12 having trouble to get the 11 for a good price

or can i even get bigger back rims

what are the options there


Thanks Quadcrazy

  • Admin changed the title to Tire sizes, Do you have to use the same as original?

Find some used rear rims from a 650/700/750 Brute Force or Prairie.  They use a 25x10-12 tire.

You'll have an endless choice of tires and they'll be a lot cheaper than 25x11-10.

  • 2 weeks later...

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