1998 polaris xplorer 400 4x4 Quad dies
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By vickijjones
Just purchased this 4 wheeler in June, now I need to replace 1 wheel bearing, 2 boots (on rear), figure just do both sides bearing & boots. Was told it had 2" lift kit on it.Read some where might need to get different boots since lift. Want to do upper & lower. Any suggestions on how to tell if it's lifted & boots I need?
By Banshee898
2014 Honda Rancher TRX420TM1: Unit starts right up, once it warms up it stalls and more difficult to start but once it does start it won't stay running. I have replaced the fuel assembly, IACV, O2 sensor and fuel injector. There are no active DTC codes. Disconnecting fuel line at injector and turning on key there is a steady stream of fuel. Plug looks good did not see crack in ceramic. Is there any way to test the ignition coil?
Thanks for any help.
By Freddie
My first quad and I have a problem. I have a Kawasaki Bayou 300 1997. When I start it. It will go on high idle for about ten seconds before it goes down to low idle. It does this even when I don't touch the throttle or the choke.
Also, when I give it some throttle and let go. It will come back to fast idle for about ten seconds before it comes down to slow idle. Therefore I have to wait for it to slow up before I can shift. The throttle linkage drops right back to the stop on the carb buy the rpms stay up for a while. If you have any ideas what might be wrong please let me know. thank you Fred
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TGB Blade 400-425 service manual.
Submitter Mech Submitted 09/10/2024 Category Other ATV
By jsamuels496
Have had the carb apart twice now and can"t find any obvious problems. but if I leave the fuel on it floods the float bowl and leaks out the overflow. What should I be checking?
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