STOLEN ATV: Stolen CanAm XMR 1000 Outlander
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By Gwbarm
Just aquired this Honda 4514. I had heard of them and seen them but had never really looked at one. Amazing machine from the 90s.
It has a 14 HP inline 2 cylinder engine. A cute little fan like the old school cars had and a little radiator. It has a timing belt on the back of the engine running the cam and a water pump. Just like a miniature car engine with electronic clutches to turn blades on and off. Pretty hight tech for the 90s not a small thing and built like a tank weighs in at 600 pds hydrostatic trans. I have found out that almost anything you have to do to it the engine has to come out starter timing belt water pump. Very expensive parts i think most got junked for that reason, i did find out they were built by John Deere except for the honda engine.
Does anyone here have any expierience with these.
By Chucksta
So.. it a weird one.. The quad surges as you go down the road. By the looks of my tracks, it's one wheel only. High range, low range, 2 wd , 4 wd.. It just doesn't matter..
You can see in the pictures the marks it leaves. That was in a straight line, with hardly any acceleration.
Any ideas?
By hporter1208
Okay, so I have a 2002 Rubicon 500…bought it last year and it sat for several months until I put a new rear axle in, FINALLY got that done and was super excited to finally have my wheeler going, just to notice a strong gas odor. Popped the seat off and sure enough, pouring gas from the carb overflow. Fast forward a few more weeks and get the new carb and get it in, no leak! Yay. Except now I have no spark. 😒 I’ve tried another plug and checked and am getting no power to the coil pack. I’ve read and read and mostly what I’ve found is ECU, which is fine…but I like to exhaust all avenues before buying the more expensive parts just because I don’t wanna spend the money and it have ended up being something simple that I overlooked because I was trying to rush. 😂 I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I read on another post that someone had similar issues with theirs and it was the sensor on the side of the carb, just a thought since this literally happened after I put the new carb on. It also displays “- -“ on the display screen where it should show the gear position.
By HondaRubi2022
I have a 2022 Honda Rubicon and I have an issue where it won’t start, when I turn the key for power nothing lights up and it won’t start but the lights will turn on with the light switch, I’ve checked all fuses and they’re good, I don’t have a wiring schematic I’m not sure where to start, I checked the ignition fuse when I turn the key on and there’s no voltage there, I used a jumper wire from the batter to the top of the ignition fuse and then it works fine and starts fine but as soon as I turn the quad/key off it won’t start again until I jump the ignition fuse with battery power, just wondering if anyone could give me some tips where to go with this or if anyone has had the same issue, thank you.
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