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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2019 in Posts

  1. I have friends in the 100 mile / Canim Lake area , but my daughter is in Kelowna. My sister , niece , nephew and their families are in the Shuswap around Sorrento. Stepson is in Kamloops and oldest granddaughter is in Pritchard. I'm looking at someplace close to Kelowna , out towards Vernon.. For all our American riders , this is all great open country with mainly rolling hills , much of it hot and desert dry in summer. Not a whole lot of snow in winter with moderate temperatures equivalent to USDA zones 5 and 6. Here on the coast the Fraser Valley is flat farm land with the surrounding mountains pretty densely forested and logging roads closer to goat trails. A lot of them are not much more than one narrow lane wide and in many places you don't want to go off the road .. Some slopes have nearly a 1,000 ft. vertical drop from the road to the valley below. Still lots of places to explore though. Riding is mostly unrestricted. ATVs need to be registered and carry liability insurance but most riding is unrestricted on where we can go. Not a lot of having to stick to designated trails in BC.
    1 point
  2. What do you mean he ruined your battery ? Is it possible that he tried to jump start it and hooked up the cables backwards? That would cause a considerable amount of electrical damage. It’s electronic fuel pump so you would have to take a tester and put it on the wires of the fuel pump with the key on. See if you have 12v at the pump. Before all that go basic first, look for blown fuses. Is the fuel gauge electric or float type? I would check for spark as well while your doing some testing also smell around and look around for any burnt wires along the frame. If that machine was fine before you lent it out then my guess is either he sank the dam thing in water or he jumped it and hooked up the cables backwards.
    1 point
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