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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2019 in Posts

  1. Thats black but mostly from a rich Long running condition in my opinion. OR .... bad valve seals/rings but that black of a piston would show a constant blueish smoke from the exhaust. If it were me i would get a can of the gum out carburetor cleaner and spray it in the head and let it sit over night. It will loosen up most of the garbage on the piston. I have a carburetor cleaning kit and it comes with small brushes that you can bend and stick inside the spark plug hole and do a little scrubbing on the piston It helps. When your ready crank the engine without the spark plug and blow it all out of the head. Super important is to make sure the kill switch is off while cranking and if it wont crank with the kill switch then put a rubber glove over the spark plug wire boot and make sure it does not spark against anything! Re inspect and see how it looks. If most of it goes away then the rest will burn off once its dialed in right. I would change the oil as well because the gum out can slip by the rings and get into the oil.
    1 point
  2. Thanks! Looking forward to learning a lot!
    1 point
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