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2001 suzuki 500 sputters an backfires

paul d

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I have a '01 500 quad master , i rebuilt the carb last spring an it ran great til 2 weeks ago now when i start it up runs great for about 2 minutes then it stalls sputters an backfires an when its in gear it wont move , but at idle it runs fine , i took the carb off took it apart an everything looked ok , blew it with the air nozzle put it back together an it didn't help it, I'm going to order another rebuild kit, any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated , thank you

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Have you checked the fuel flow from the tank ? Sometimes the petcock has a screen or a blockage that does not allow the fuel to flow freely.  Also the air/fuel screw, was it put back in properly? I’ve seen people put the washer in before the o ring etc. So be sure it’s back in the right way. 

Second is the bowl and fill pin working and set correctly. It might be set to low and closes off fuel to the carburetor prematurely. 

Lastly I always recommend sending in a small piece of wire through the ports on the carb. Sometimes air just isn’t enough to clear out a tiny hole like that and the final adjustment. Air fuel adjustment set point? What did you set it at and have you tried to adjust it while the bikes running?   


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