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Posted (edited)

You need to check the 5 code first. Code 1 means the ECU is crook (or got bad wires), but you fix what flashes on the dash first, then clear the codes and drive it to see what comes up next. The codes you have to extract, they are old and could be historic and irrelevant. That's why you clear them after you've done the work and re drive to see what gets set next. The recorded codes are good for finding intermittent faults. You just need the faults that show on the dash when you turn the key at the moment.

With trouble codes, we should never take them literally, they are only a guide.

The 5 when you turn it on is just a guide to what section of the wiring the fault lays in, it doesn't mean the motor or the motor drive circuit board is faulty.. Mostly it's wires that break. Here's the section out of the manual, and you need to start at page 22-12, and follow the instructions for checking the motor control circuit. The procedure starts at the bottom of page 22-12, and goes through to near the bottom of page 22-13. There are six steps of checking with a digital gauge.

Then you clear the codes (step four), and go for a drive. If the dash starts flashing after the drive and a re-turn on, then you fix that code next.

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Edited by Mech
  • Thanks 1

Thanks for the encouragement. I decided to just buy the ECM bypass shift kit. For only $20 it was worth trying. It will retain the push button shifting and the only down side seems to be harsh shifting if you don't come completely off the throttle. Plastics have been cleaned, racks sanded and painted, all the lights working, and a new seat cover. It was missing the fuel tank and used ones are $200, which is what I paid for the quad. So I just installed a little one I had from a 110cc chinese machine. I will probably end up selling this as a running parts machine or someone could pop for some new front palstics and a fuel tank and have a decent Rancher. 

Question: Why would the speedometer show MPH going up while revving in neutral? I thought the speedo was tied to the speed sensor on the output shaft? 

Posted (edited)

Oh ok.. I couldn't make out what was happening in the video..haha.

Well done then. And the kit disables the dash flashing does it ?

How much did the speedo go up by ?

Vibration maybe ?

Edited by Mech

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