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Wow that looks sweet. :D Does it come with anything to = out the width on the rear. I put my 400ex front end on my 250x. I put 2" wheel spacers in the rear and it =ed it out real nice. I'm not sure what the bolt pattern is on the 90 but the bigger Hondas are 4 110. We have some really nice 4 110 spacers if you need something. :D

Wow that looks sweet. :D Does it come with anything to = out the width on the rear. I put my 400ex front end on my 250x. I put 2" wheel spacers in the rear and it =ed it out real nice. I'm not sure what the bolt pattern is on the 90 but the bigger Hondas are 4 110. We have some really nice 4 110 spacers if you need something. :D

The 90 has a different Bolt Pattern and they do sell a Rear Spacer for the 90....

Does the 400EX bolt right up to the 250EX??? It would be nice to give my wife something more Plush to ride....did you do anything to the Rear Shock as well.???

Im gonna have to dig up some more Dirt on this Kit....I seem to remember someone doing it and I cant remember who.....

More later....:cool:


I'm not sure if the 250ex and the 250x are the same. I put Burgard +2 arms and works shocks on my 400ex. The stock stuff was sitting there so we tried it and it worked. I didn't do anything with the rear shock.

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