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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2021 in Posts

  1. Looks like soooo much fun! Cant wait to get my family into this! Thanks for posting pics look amazing!
    2 points
  2. Had the privilege to get out both days this weekend, weather was fantastic. Was able to take my oldest brother out to an area he hadn't been to yet, and was thankful that we got to spend that time together just the two of us. I did ask some others to go but they were unable to make it so it ended up making a special day for us. His health is not the greatest so will definitely treasure the time and memories of this outing. Was also able to finally link up with my neighbor and some friends of theirs and take them on one of our favorite trails today. They seem to be gone most weekends over the summer so has been tough to connect over the past 4 years since they bought their Razors. They seem to stick pretty close and go riding and camping together most weekends. With fall setting in and it dipping into the high 20's and low low 30's at night, our camping season is coming to a close. Still in the 50's - 70's during the day but pretty chilly at night. They had a free weekend so we were finally able to take advantage and get out. Today confirmed for me, once again, why we haven't moved to the sidexside realm yet. We were going to ride on one trail, and even though they have 50" machines. The trailheads have huge rocks, posts, or arched cattle guard type gated areas that are exactly 50" apart. This keeps the larger sized SxS's, jeeps and other 4 wheel drive vehicles off the trails and from getting torn to shreds. My wife and I drove our ATV'S through and friends attempted to do the same. Even though the posts were 50" apart and perfectly plumb, the ground was sloped side to side causing the fenders and door area to lean too far to the side and would have scratched the entire side of the machine as he drove through. He couldn't even get the front fender flair through with out it getting scraped and gouged by the wire of the fence wrapped around the posts. So had to change plans and go different route. Still ended up being a terrific day and they had a great time riding in a new area. No SxS for us in the near future!!! Here's some pics from both days
    1 point
  3. I guess you could put the 230 cam in the 300. 230s are notorious smokers. I figured it was due to the wrist pin wiggling in the rod end. What separates 230s from any other quad engine is the bore/stroke ratio. The stroke is so long that the rod is at a sharp angle causing the piston to press hard against the side of the bore. The 250S added a longer rod to mitigate that effect. Shorter rods increase the acceleration at TDC (which is good if you want a strong intake charge) while they decrease it at BDC. Longer rods spread the acceleration out more. The 250 also added a 17mm rod end because 16 is just not enough to hold the piston on while slinging violently from extents of that huge stroke at high rpms. Adding a heavy wiseco just makes the problem worse. The small end bore of the rod stretches into an egg shape and I'm assuming that a piston flopping around in the bore is what causes the rings to wear and the smoking. So in light of that about all you can do is make the bore as tight as possible to hold the piston straight and make the ring gaps as big as possible to be sure the rings never bind. Also keep in mind the inherent weakness when riding. You may have to learn to live with the smoking until you find a 250S engine or some other quad. There are too many things wrong with the 230S to make them worth building. The 300 on the other hand is a good candidate. Honestly I'd probably beat the snot out of the 230 until I saved up enough to find something better to invest in.
    1 point
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