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Everything posted by Admin

  1. UPDATE: We've added automatic feeds to display BLOGS, FOR SALE, and STOLEN ATVs. These widgets are automatically updated as content arrives and will give you fresh content on your pages. Widgets » QUADCRAZY ATV Community
  2. Now you can add fresh content from QUADCRAZY to other sites and networks. This also helps get QUADCRAZY out there to those that may not know that we are here. You'll be helping to support our community! We just released some widgets that you can use on your websites, blogs, social networks (myspace, facebook, etc), by widgetbox. Just click on "Get Widget" to see the embed codes you need. You can also edit them by clicking on the pencil image. We've added automatic feeds to display NEW VIDEOS, NEW FORUM THREADS, and NEW BLOGS. CLICK HERE to see available Widgets! ENJOY!
  3. It's only available on the home page. is it not there sometimes?
  4. Admin

    Very nice picture!
  5. Thank you... It was a little less organized.
  6. * Cleaned this thread up, removed duplicate posts. Corrected video display. You only need to post the url of the video in most cases. You do not need to use the image tag.
  7. We've redesigned the member account page a bit. You can access it here: Account Login » QUADCRAZY ATV Community Added "Friends Online" and "Last Online" block.
  8. http://www.quadcrazy.com/atvforum/announcements-support/4139-advanced-messaging.html#post21226
  9. We've added some functionality to our internal message system to help when sending PMs. You can now: Send to multiple friends at once Send to ALL your friends at once Pick from a list of your friends Send to all Group Members (Groups that you are part of) To send PMs, CLICK HERE Curently testing, so please report any bugs in this thread. Thanks!
  10. Since the beginning of this announcement, we have added a significant amount of links to the main menu, to help with site navigation. Just the Forum main menu button alone, has some Quick Links to areas of our forum here. Just use your mouse to rollover the top buttons. If there is a link we are missing to any part of the site that should be considered, please let us know.
  11. Good one. You just gave me another project to look into.
  12. Unfortunately it's only one by one from your profile page. But that is a good suggestion!
  13. Here's some pages with ATV Myspace layout you can try and convert: Atv MySpace layouts & backgrounds created by CoolChasers - CoolChaser Layouts.fm -- atv myspace layouts Atv Racing MySpace layouts & backgrounds created by BackgroundStation.com Backgrounds & Layouts ATV
  14. We try! Gotta grow to be #1! The only way to do this is to offer as much as possible to our members, for an enjoyable experience and return.
  15. Almost forgot, we removed the default header and footer to allow you to customize your pages more!
  16. http://www.quadcrazy.com/atvforum/announcements-support/4114-myspace-code-converter-profiles.html
  17. Trying a new feature: http://www.quadcrazy.com/atvforum/announcements-support/4114-myspace-code-converter-profiles.html
  18. Just added a neat little tool for everyone to easily customize their profile pages here at QUADCRAZY using all the MySpace codes that are available on the internet. Now, it will not design your page EXACTLY how MySpace does, but it will take some features out of that code and convert it to code that is readable by our system here. Its pretty easy to use, you will just need to hunt for some "MySpace Profile Codes" You can access the converter from the main menu: ACCOUNT>SETTINGS>DESIGN MY PROFILE>MySpace Code Converter or MySpace Code Converter Here is an example of what you can achieve: admin’s Profile » QUADCRAZY ATV Community
  19. Yeah, that's the refresh, but it should not open a NEW page or tab. I've just set the refresh rate to 4 minutes for ads, should not be an issue unles you leave a page idle for more than 4 minutes.
  20. Thanks for the feedback! It's your and every other member's contributions that make this community what it is and help it continue to grow. Without all of you, it would not work.
  21. Thanks for your feedback. The ads refresh every 60 seconds. It should not be creating a new page for you, just rotating the banners. What browser are you using? Firefox, IE, etc...
  22. No he's actually not cheating. There are no duplicates in our system. But, what would be the point of dupicate invite entries? There is no prize for that. Anyway, it's referrals that win the grand prize, not invites. Invites can lead to referrals. Why don't you PM him and ask him how he's doing it.... Remember, the more INVITES, the more chances for REFERRALS. Now for myspace, I can suggest you just PM your referral link to all your friends. That's the easiest I would think. Good Luck!
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